More April Fool's Stuff - Legend of Zelda movie trailer

I know that there are other websites and boards debating whether or not this is a joke...I actually don't want it to be. Even though Ganondorf looks goofy as hell, and they could have gone with a younger-looking Link, I've been wanting a Zelda movie since Ocarina of Time came out (the best game in the series, in my opinion). I really want it to be real!
Never played the game, and most of this looks like a high-end fan film (some of them look pretty good...check out Miguel Mesa's Fan Film page for some astounding ones), but I am surprised that there hasn't been a Legend of Zelda movie. Considering some of the other video game movies that have been made, it seems like a natural.
I've been wanting a Zelda movie since Ocarina of Time came out (the best game in the series, in my opinion).

A Link to the Past is the best Zelda game, imo. The gameplay was(is) fantastic. It's got a killer storyline. Plus, it renewed my faith in the Zelda series after a disappointing The Adventure of Link. Granted, having revisited this one down the road it's gotten better for me, I still consider it by far the worst installment.
Just glancing at the lack of Film Studio at the end credits, instead just has emblem in place there really leads me to believe its fake.

It must be nice to have that kind of money to dump into a spoof.
Never played the game, and most of this looks like a high-end fan film (some of them look pretty good...check out Miguel Mesa's Fan Film page for some astounding ones), but I am surprised that there hasn't been a Legend of Zelda movie. Considering some of the other video game movies that have been made, it seems like a natural.


Even if this is an April Fool's joke (which is likely considering IGN's history of producing slick AF's jokes), it has certainly raised the awareness for such a film to be made.

...And yes, IMDB has a Zelda listing for 2009. Whether it's serious or their own April Fool's joke, who's to say? :)
A Link to the Past is the best Zelda game, imo. The gameplay was(is) fantastic. It's got a killer storyline. Plus, it renewed my faith in the Zelda series after a disappointing The Adventure of Link. Granted, having revisited this one down the road it's gotten better for me, I still consider it by far the worst installment.

A Link to the Past was my favorite up until recently... Twilight Princess for the Wii just completely buries it in every way possible -- story line, gameplay, versatility, you name it. The inventive use of items to kill bosses and solve puzzles is some of the most interesting gameplay I've experienced in the series. The only rough thing about TP is looking for all the bugs, Poe souls, etc., and you don't really even HAVE to do that.

I never cared for the original much, because I hated all the damn GUESSING you had to do in order to find stuff with bombs or the candle. At least with bombs, you could use more than one per screen... the whole idea that you had to exit the screen and come back after you used the candle just pissed me off to no end. And with bombs, you could use visual hints to figure out where to bomb, whereas most of the trees that had stuff under them didn't give you any sort of clue that they were special. It was impossible to find everything unless you pooled your knowledge with every other player you knew, or unless you went around burning every possible tree in the game (or unless you bought the Nintendo Power strategy guide).

I actually LOVED Zelda II, even though the gameplay was so much different from the rest of the series. It remains one of my favorite NES games ever.
I never cared for the original much, because I hated all the damn GUESSING you had to do in order to find stuff with bombs or the candle. At least with bombs, you could use more than one per screen... the whole idea that you had to exit the screen and come back after you used the candle just pissed me off to no end. And with bombs, you could use visual hints to figure out where to bomb, whereas most of the trees that had stuff under them didn't give you any sort of clue that they were special. It was impossible to find everything unless you pooled your knowledge with every other player you knew, or unless you went around burning every possible tree in the game (or unless you bought the Nintendo Power strategy guide).

You actually get a red candle later in the game that you can use as many times as you want per screen.

I actually LOVED Zelda II, even though the gameplay was so much different from the rest of the series. It remains one of my favorite NES games ever.

Me too. One of my favorite all time games. I absolutely love it.
I thought there would be more Ocarina fans here...most of my friends agree that it's the best in the series (then again, none of us own Gamecubes or Wiis.
I'm personally faithful to A Link to the Past. Between that, Doom, and Final Fantasy 6, you can sum up my childhood in a nice package.
Also, a quick note to Link to the Past fans. Remember how much time you took playing it? Imagine beating the game in 3 MINUTES!
