Leilands Suicide

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Kickbox kickboxing banana
Jun 16, 2005
Yes I have decided to end it all. No longer do I wish to exist virtually under the title of Leiland. Post 666 is the appropriate choice too denounce my long standing name, taken from Slayers live dvd War at the Warfield. A one, Mr. Leiland, appeared in the special features, praising Slayer, ripping apart beer cans with his teeth, and pretty much making the hoards piss themselves laughing while he pissed his pants.

So here is a last quote to honor the name I took, as I now wish to make a name for myself instead, which may mean I return to these boards under a different account, or not.

No 1 slayer fan Leiland "I Raise hell, drink cold piss and I love pussy...Slaaaayyeerrrr”:kickass: :headbang: :heh:

My fib-o-meter has registered "undeniable lie".

Ta-ta Leiland. Consider the name Leyland as a replacement.

You know there is a name-change thread, you are allowed one name change unless you have a premium account, then you can have unlimited name changes

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