Lemur Voice


HMAS Slagdestroyer
Mar 23, 2005
Sydney, Australia
Obviously Marcel has moved on to Sun Caged (and since moved on again? Seems kinda silent in this camp...) but where has everyone else from Lemur Voice ended up now?
Not an answer to your question but Lemur Voice related: I translated an old Dutch interview I did with their keyboard player Franck back in 1996/1997 and put it online.

Check it out at http://www.vampire-magazine.com/article.php?aid=42684

Here's some answers to your question though.
Nathan is working at the Technical University of Eindhoven:
No idea whether he's still playing music though.

Barend is still playing and has a myspace page: www.myspace.com/barendtromp

It seems Gregoor did some vocals for Sun Caged in the early years but Marcel can give accurate info about this.
No idea what he's doing nowadays.

No idea if Franck's still on this planet!
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Hello all :)

OK some info here:

Barend Tromp (bass and Chapman Stick in Lemur Voice) plays with Joop Wolters currently. Joop is also under contract with Lion Music, and releases his own solo CD's there. As well Joop plays with Shadrane (with Vivien lalu, who also works with Hubi Meisel). Barend also recorded some bass parts for the new Sun Caged record ! So Barend will be heard on the new Sun caged (Artemisia) !

Franck Faber got a little bit easier, he got kids and started playing in local cover bands, which he still does nowadays. Franck currently has guitar lessons at my place (yes he is also starting to play guitar) and is doing just fine. He just does not have the desire anymore to play with a band with own material and work really hard for that.

Gregoor Van Der Loo sings/plays in the bands Phone Home and Slow Poke Rodrigo. Slow Poke Rodrigo also has a MySpace page: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=62380512
Gregoor only sung at the very first Sun Caged EP, when the band was just a project (not a real band) that EP was called Scar Winter (released in 2000).

Nathan still plays with Slow Poke Rodrigo, but he gives to job quite often to different drummers when he is busy with work ;)


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Hello, ferretallica are you added to our myspace page? I see you have an account. Anyway, you'll see we haven't been that quiet ;) In fact I just spent the last 1 1/2 hours "networking" (a term I favor over the oh-so pejoritive "spamming" :lol: ) on various forums to hopefully increase awareness! :)

The band is back, and we'll be out and playing again really soon!

Also in answer to your question, Franck has his own myspace too: http://www.myspace.com/franckfaber

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Yes, I've added Sun Caged a while ago but haven't actually looked at the page for some time. I only add bands so I can see their announcements in the bulletins.. which is why it annoys me when people just fill them up with "what did you have for breakfast? do you have a crush on someone? what shade was your last turd?" etc quiz garbage. Anyway I see the new album on the horizon... very exciting :D I wait with baited breath :lol:
I'm listening to it again now... individual tracks are starting to stand out a bit more but it admittedly takes me repeated listens.

I hope with the material they're working on for the 3rd album there's at least something that harkens back to the Lemur Voice kind of sound.
I'm listening to it again now... individual tracks are starting to stand out a bit more but it admittedly takes me repeated listens.

I hope with the material they're working on for the 3rd album there's at least something that harkens back to the Lemur Voice kind of sound.

You won't get that sound back. lemur voice will always live on though:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy