Cover songs?


HMAS Slagdestroyer
Mar 23, 2005
Sydney, Australia
I noticed there are a few awesome covers floating around on YouTube by Sun Caged...

Maybe you already do this, I'm not sure since I don't exactly get to see many SC live shows in Australia;), but what are the odds of doing the odd Lemur Voice 'cover'? :D

Any other covers floating around (other than the DT one from back in the dark demo days)?
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Hello all

The middle one is Sun Caged, the very old line up, with our singer back then called Sascha Burchardt, this was in the days we had a demo called "Dominion" and since Sascha was playing in an Iron Maiden tribute band at that time we decided on that cover. So that is not Stormrider.

For Stormrider you can also find a lot of video's on YouTube.

Ha, I totally forgot about no more tears. The sound is pretty good on that clip, but I don't remember where that gig is...?

psssst....that version of Land of Confusion is a bit too fast eh? lol

Mark, we played Intuition again last week at Prog Power, with Gregoor as a special guest! It was a blast and I think it went really well, only problem was our camera died mid song....hopefully someone else captured it.

Ha, I totally forgot about no more tears. The sound is pretty good on that clip, but I don't remember where that gig is...?

psssst....that version of Land of Confusion is a bit too fast eh? lol

Mark, we played Intuition again last week at Prog Power, with Gregoor as a special guest! It was a blast and I think it went really well, only problem was our camera died mid song....hopefully someone else captured it.


Hey paul, that would have been amazing seeing you and Gregoor doing intuition. I will be checking youtube everyday just in case it comes up lol. It sounds like everyone had a great time, hopefully i can get there for next years:)
after reading this thread I checked youtube myself. Found lots of surprising things. I answered my own question, that version of No More Tears was at Tilburg 013, Rob van der Loo's last gig. That's kind of what I thought, but I didn't remember doing that song at that gig. What I DO remember is something else I found on youtube, at the end of that gig we sang a surprise version of Monty Python's "Always look on the bright side of Life" Man, seeing that made me laugh my ass off! Check it out:

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