LePou Plugins Solo_C


May 11, 2009
Hey guys..Just thought I'd share some info with you..The AcmeBarGig Quality assurance team(Beta Testers) have been working with our friend Lepou Plugins on the new Solo_C for the past month or so...I have just learned that Solo_C the new version with CAB IR's is close to release..

I have to tell you it is fantastic, if you thought the last Solo_C was good wait till you get this one...It will be released as freeware, LePou Plugins just asks that you make a donation if you can...
Here's a screenshot...

Stay tuned for a release date, it will take the place of an AcmeBarGig release on a Saturday...Optionally you can sign up for the ABG newsletter as well. That way a direct download link will be sent to you in your mailbox the day of its release..

I didn't make it, so all requests should go to LePou. You can usually find him at Guitarampmodeling.com. It really sounds great too, you guys are gonna love this..

Well The Flip free phase would be good, you should suggest that to LePou..

The AcmeBarGig news letter can be signed up for at www.acmebargig.com, on the right hand side of the page..There is an unsubscribe mechanism and we don't give out your email address. Nor do we push advertising for anything other than ABG related stuff. Well every now and then we send penis enlargement ads out...no, just joking..:)

Well The Flip free phase would be good, you should suggest that to LePou..

The AcmeBarGig news letter can be signed up for at www.acmebargig.com, on the right hand side of the page..There is an unsubscribe mechanism and we don't give out your email address. Nor do we push advertising for anything other than ABG related stuff. Well every now and then we send penis enlargement ads out...no, just joking..:)


I tried to sign up to it lastnight and failed.
OK Well we'll be pooched until Monday. Our webmaster has gone to Download festival in the UK. He will be back Monday, if he's in shape to do some work I'll get him to fix it then. Sorry about that..