Leprous = Awesome


The Darkitecht
Jun 3, 2007
Daytona, Florida
Leprous from Norway is an amazing band. Their latest release, Tall Poppy Syndrome, is a solid disc through and through. I couldn't stop spinning this disc over and over again for a week straight. The vocals are amazing, the music is amazing, the whole damn disc is great! Not Even a Name and White are probably about my two favorite songs on the CD.

I'd say Leprous is definitely a band for fans of Opeth and Pain of Salvation...maybe even some Tool fans.

Yes, the entire album is absolutely fantastic. I can't get enough of it either!

I'd say Leprous is definitely a band for fans of Opeth and Pain of Salvation...maybe even some Tool fans.

Hmmm ... I'd also add bands such as old King Crimson, Van der Graaf Generator and Pink Floyd - a bit of U2 and Dredg in the melodies, some real "old school" heavy metal riffs in there as well, and some Arcturus-style prog-black.

Yes, the entire album is absolutely fantastic. I can't get enough of it either!

I can definitely see why Intromental signed them on. Good thing too because I unfortunately wouldn't have heard about them otherwise. Such a great band. Never seems to be a dull moment in the music for me and its always balanced really well between clean and harsh vocals.
Patrick, I was interested in what you had to say until you said the above statement.....then you lost me. :ill:


:lol: Leprous has their own unique quality sound with a touch of their influences, but they would appeal to people that are into Opeth. Still worth checking out -- even if you end up hating them you could convince yourself that it could have been worse.
7 months later and I still can't get enough of this band. Anyone who has yet to check them out, do yourself a favor and pick their album up. Currently listening to the title track, Tall Poppy Syndrome.
I just got this disc and I'm loving it! I really hear a lot of Opeth influence, but not so much on the POS - or even Tool. Enslaved is another good comparison, and so is Ishan.
Best disc of 2009 - no doubt about it....and that, in a year where both Dream Theater and Loch Vostok released albums. I am yet to hear a more powerful approach than what Leprous delivers.

The "Tonight I'm passing Away" sentence in the first song still makes the hair stand up on my arms, and I have heard this album 50+ times now....

Claus showed me this band earlier in the year, and I did enjoy it. Gotta get this disc. Then again, there's like 1000 CDs I really want right now (and always!).
While these guys are awesome and I'm really enjoying their stuff, I can't help but feel they'd benefit from a different vocalist. The singing's not really bad per se - but I could definitely imagine some of the sections with a better clean voice or deeper, more robust growls.
This is one of my albums of the year, for sure. It blew me away on the first listen, and I haven't taken a single song out of my playlists since getting the album a few months back.