My Faves of 2009....


I seriously doubt anything will top or even come near this. :yow:

Wow! Checked these guys out and instantly ordered their first CD. Thanks for posting.
Hibria - Skull Collectors!!!!! Holy shit, a total 10/10!!!!! If I would have known this CD was this good (I liked the debut as well) I would have put them near the top of my PPXI sponsor list. Maybe for PPXII or maybe someone else picked them up. If you like straight up, no frills, catchy ass power-metal without all the pomp and circumstance, this is it! Clean, really powerful vocals, great guitars and unbelievable bass playing...yeah, BASS playing. It's crazy!!!!

Alestorm - Black Sails at Midnight: A little bit of a step down from the first one, but I was not disappointed by it like I thought I might be after reading Diabolik's comments. There are several songs on the second CD that I like better than most of the first CD, but as a whole, the CD is not as strong. Still a great, fun listen though!

Haven't gotten to Primal Fear or Fairyland yet.
Have you been following the good dm that's come out this year?

I've heard a few good albums like the Excoriate, Teitanblood, and Funebrarum but I haven't really been following it too closely. Just skimming through on forums and such. Any recs? I've mainly been following new hardcore releases this year.
Recent stuff to check out:

Cobalt - Gin
Denial - Catacombs Of The Grotesque
Diocletian - Doom Cult
Embrace Of Thorns - Atonement Ritual
Funebrarum - The Sleep Of Morbid Dreams
Katharsis - Fourth Reich
Tormented - Rotten Death

Von - Satanic Blood Angel
Molested - Blod Draum
Sinister - The Blood Past (Demos)
(Upcoming) Rottrevore - Iniquitous
And necrovore and crematory...

That's basically the list I was recommended once I got outta bct a few weeks ago, black and death since April 21st rofl

I also got a lot of doom that's been put out if you want me to throw that your way
Samael's new album is really good, if you're into that, probably my 2nd favorite so far.

I thought it was a huge step backwards in quality... but it's such a change that it's really unfair to compare it to their last couple albums I guess.
Those Cobalt and Katharsis discs are really good. I've been spinning the Katharsis a lot lately and haven't gotten tired of it. I will check out the others, thanks.
Also, anyone in to death metal should check this out...I guess the best way to describe it would be a blend of Gorguts, Immolation and Isis. Excellent stuff and definitely worth checking out:


Ulcerate - Everything is Fire
Hibria - Skull Collectors!!!!! Holy shit, a total 10/10!!!!! If I would have known this CD was this good (I liked the debut as well) I would have put them near the top of my PPXI sponsor list. Maybe for PPXII or maybe someone else picked them up. If you like straight up, no frills, catchy ass power-metal without all the pomp and circumstance, this is it! Clean, really powerful vocals, great guitars and unbelievable bass playing...yeah, BASS playing. It's crazy!

Yeah, I like this. Good pick for a ProgPower appearance...
Wow! Checked these guys out and instantly ordered their first CD. Thanks for posting.

For what its worth... Augury appears to be coming around in November as part of a larger tour package. As I see it on a local venues site..

[FONT=Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif] Vader
[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif] Decrepit Birth / Warbringer
The Amenta / Augury / S.W.W.A.A.T.S.
According to the Peabody's website, that tour only includes Warbringer and The Amentia. I was thinking of going to check out Warbringer (and Vader - of course). But if Augury is also a part of this tour - all the better.