Les Légions Noires

all sounds like shit to me, I just can't appreciate such a retarded movement

LLN releases were meant to be recorded in the worst possible environments to make it sound darker. Although many of the releases are actually subpar in quality, even Moevot, the band with the microphone stuck up a rats ass, is better then your Opeth. :) Just saying.

FLAME ON! :flame:
Soundtrack To A Suicide would be incredibly good if it didn't have some of the most fucking atrocious vocals I've ever heard mixed incredibly high.

it's still not as bad as Silencer but yeah I'm Youtubing that album and a "Party Karaoke" version would be much better. >_<

@Schwärzung that is definitely up there with Impaled Northern Moonforest for kvltness
Schwärzung;9298276 said:
Vilden, check out Nocturnal Depression if you haven't, especially the Four Seasons to a Depression EP. Definitely some of the greatest French DSBM.
Nah, not a big fan of DSBM, especially when it is so clitché as Nocturnal Depression. There are only a selected few bands that make it work.

Most of the 'projects' are utterly fucking worthless and the whole so-called movement was hyped beyond belief around 04-05. Here's a short list of everything that is actually worth hearing:

Vlad Tepes/Belketre - March to the Black Holocaust
Belketre - Ambre Zuerkl Vuorhdrevarvtre
Mütiilation - Hail Satanas We Are the Black Legions
Mütiilation - Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul
Mütiilation - Vampires of Black Imperial Blood
Torgeist - Time of Sabbath

Anything else really isn't worth the time it takes to download.
I can write under on this + 'Torgiest/Vlad Tepes - Black Legions Metal', on the other hand all those are pretty much unrivaled except for Bathory, Graveland and 90s Norway (and some other stuff too I guess, but you get the point).

Do Peste Noire count?
Why would they count?
Schwärzung;9298251 said:
Vrepyambhre and Hvrúmbzgnrvóme are apparently not a part of the LLN

Brenoritvrezorkre is totally unlistenable imho.

wtf these names are real? :lol:

I thought Onder was kidding back there. To be honest, I've never listened to any of the LLN bands. Am I missing anything really significant?
Yeah Mutiilation are a damn good BM band but i have'nt bothered with any of the other LLN stuff.'Vampires Of Black Imperial Blood','Hail Satanas We Are The Black Legions','Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul' and 'Black Millenium (Grimly Reborn)' are my favourites.Mutiilation are very good.
Same Bitencourt! I checked out some of the Mutillation on Youtube and it was pretty good.

Yeah Mutiilation are a damn good BM band but i haven't bothered with any of the other LLN stuff.'Vampires Of Black Imperial Blood','Hail Satanas We Are The Black Legions','Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul' and 'Black Millenium (Grimly Reborn)' are my favourites.Mutiilation are very good.

Sounds pretty good. I'll check them, thanks guys.
Just out of curiosity, who would you say makes it work?
Well first I must say that I hate the DSBM-tag, just the name sounds totally gimmicky and cliché, but some actual depressive bm that rules are:

Mütiilation (Remains falls under this I guess)
Forgotten Woods
Abyssic Hate

Maybe a few more stuff, but pretty much this. :p
DSBM is an incredibly cheesy genre tag for sure. Are you completely disinterested in the French Canadian Gris/Sombres Forets/Miserere Luminis stuff as well?
Well first I must say that I hate the DSBM-tag, just the name sounds totally gimmicky and cliché, but some actual depressive bm that rules are:

Mütiilation (Remains falls under this I guess)
Forgotten Woods
Abyssic Hate

Maybe a few more stuff, but pretty much this. :p
This, plus:

Pretty much every lame one man bedroom bummed out BM project ever is the result of listening to Filosofem and the guy subsequently going "hey, why don't I do this?". But yeah, Burzum is leagues beyond feeling sad because nobody at school gets you, thematically and musically.

Edit: Fuck Shining.
Pretty much every lame one man bedroom bummed out BM project ever is the result of listening to Filosofem and the guy subsequently going "hey, why don't I do this?". But yeah, Burzum is leagues beyond feeling sad because nobody at school gets you, thematically and musically.

Yeah. Burzum definately doesn't fall into the category.