Les Légions Noires

what is Pyha considered? He fits in pretty nicely with those French wankers. This is the only song on "The Haunted House" that I can stand, the others creep me out too much

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Just because the new wave of depressive black metal is the standard "buhu I'm bullied at school and cut myself" shit doesn't mean it is the only way to play depressive black metal. Not everything Burzum has done is depressive but how can you NOT say that for example HLTO is depressive black metal? It has sad longing lyrics, and depressive atmosphere. What more do you need?
Going back to LLN, one of the best things about the whole movement has to be Vlad Tepes song titles. :p

I mean how can you not like titles like:

In Holocaust to the Natural Darkness
Misery Fear & Storm Hunger
Drink the Poetry of the Celtic Disciple
From the Celtic Moonfrost (wtf is celtic moonfrost anyway? xd)

basically a 14 year old creates this crazy ass burzumic buzz/depressive black metal album, with crazy screechings/growls and ambient noises galore. i've listened to half of it so far, it's very interesting. i don't know where i stand, some, like that above link, have hailed it being one of the greatest things ever and some just shit all over it. for me personally not being able to really "get" the whole buzzy crappy black metal scene i don't totally hate this so that might mean something. but shit, 14, i think that's badass.
Listening to Pyha and reading the backstory.

All I can say is (this is huh) wow. :D

Its not the best black metal I've ever heard, but for it to come from a 14 year old is amazing.
I used to hate the LLN bands but lately I've started getting into some of them. I enjoy the Vlad Tepes/Belketre split, some of the Moevot stuff is cool, and I really like some of the Brenoritvrezorkre stuff that I've heard, which is one of the few metal bands that I would say approached genuinely avant-garde territory. Most of this stuff is very difficult to get into, definitely an acquired taste. I still like old Norse bm more than LLN though.
Pyha: Was he REALLY 14 or is he generating rabid fan loyalty around being mysterious and tortured like Sopor Aeternus?

M-A forums crucified me for mentioning him but they are wing wongs over there. Pyha is unsettling shit, some of the darkest music I've heard but then again I knew his backstory before I listened to any of it so I don't know.

That's why I hate reading reviews/band bios before listening to a band. I don't even like seeing the album cover because I feel it pollutes the "purity" of my listening experience.
Yes he was definitely 14 when it was created, possibly earlier actually because it took him like 2 years and many more after that to get his stuff out there. he's like 20 now apparently. I personally don't think it's too unsettling, Vacuum, the first album from Pensees Nocturnes has some creepy ass shit in it, i can't even handle it without feeling depressed/sad. I don't think that stuff ruins anything for me, I can learn to clear it all out if there's something that would change it for me, which usually there isn't. If i like it then whatever, if i don't then whatever.

Also I just can't get to grips with the lo-fi buzz stuff, i know of course there's monetary and other circumstances limiting a productions quality but blatantly crackling plastic wrap or recording their echo or whatever the fuck else they do is just stupid. you can prove a point/create your mise en scene without being an asshat about it.
What about Vacuum creeps you out? I found it almost comically steampunk in how perfectly it captures the "wahh, I'm alone in Edwardian England on a rainy night wahh" vibe.
the crying/wailing vocals he uses. Dunno, I fucking love PN

and god damn your avatar reminds me of rita repulsa from power rangers
