Les Paul Studio


Feb 11, 2007
Frisco, CA
I was looking at a Les Paul Studio but I was wondering what your guys's thoughts are on that guitar. Is there anything that imitates the les paul for example by PRS etc. that would be better quality than the Studio but around the same price??
try finding a burny on ebay or something. i got one off guitargai.com and love it, doesnt look like he has any instock right now though
PRS SE Singlecut - this one cost me $400

Much better than any Paul Studio I've played.
Burny, more expensive Agile, and Edwards smoke the shit out of Gibson. Gibson has been resting on its laurels and relying on its reputation to sell rather than its products.

Les Pauls are nice, espiecially the more exspensive ones, but if you're looking for a metal guitar (and maybe you aren't, that's fine) then you're probably going to want to change the pickups.
les paul studios are great,
just whack a seymour jb, or emg in it and you good as gold,
oh and change the machine heads too, those things break real easy
les paul studios are great,
just whack a seymour jb, or emg in it and you good as gold,
oh and change the machine heads too, those things break real easy

Well i had them all in a Gibby LP and i find the stock 498 R to be better for metal then the JB, and lots of other aftermarket pickups, and beat by EMG 81 at lower tunings than C#. Above C# it's a matter of taste.
The tuners are very good, as good as grovers in my Standard LP.
I don't know man...Gibson Les Paul Custom with stock pickups, and with any luck, the right capacitors, pretty metal to my ears.

But play any recommended guitar and if you can side-by-side, and then judge with your ears.