lesson learned: don't fuck with medicinal tea


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
so i bought some Throat Coat tea since my roomate was sick and had throat problems and i wanted some preventive measures to be taken in case i got sick.

i was curious about the taste of the medicinal tea and so i made myself a cup of it before bed last night.

it actually tasted pretty good but it had a really strong reaction hitting my throat but i felt fine and eventually i fell asleep.

this morning i woke up and my whole throat and upper chest feels really weird, not like i am sick but it feels almost like it does when i am sick. this is freaky.
greg, that tea shouldn't give you that reaction! it may be that you've just happened to have caught what your roommate had maybe? i think throat coat is just some basic herbs and slippery elm? poor you.
update: i have left work and at home right now, drinking THROAT COMFORT tea from whole foods (i couldn't find anything called "Throat Coat"). it has slippery elm and, unfortunately, licorice (yuck) as active ingredients. among other things.
licorice is good because it stops any cough you have, and prevents you from developing those annoying tickling coughs later.