Lesson Learned...


Apr 8, 2006
Bluffton, SC
Well, my first ProgPower.
My first big trip planned with anyone really.

I booked flight and hotel for 4 people (including myself).
Two of those people had a falling out and the 3 of them decided to cancel.

It almost cost me $1100 to cancel them off the trip, but after working things out with Travelocity, the penalty is only $160 ($10 cancelling a hotel room and $50 per plane ticket).

It's not all rosy though. I don't have anyone to split my hotel with, so my cost goes up $237 for the trip... plus the $160 penalty....which means my cost goes from ~$600 to ~$1000.

Anyway, one person is actually decent and giving me his third of the penalty. The others I get to decide if I'm taking to court or not.

But it's all part of the journey. I'm not missing ProgPower for anything. And I'm going to have a freaking blast!

Edit: By the way, there's 3 Pre-Party tickets available...should be pretty cheap. If I can't sell them off, I'll be handing them out to whoever wants on Pre-Party night.
Hold 2 of those Pre-party tickets for me, and I'll buy them from you when I get payed next week, right now I am stuck in Berlin, Germany with no money since I spent it all at Wacken foolishly.
caex said:
Hold 2 of those Pre-party tickets for me, and I'll buy them from you when I get payed next week, right now I am stuck in Berlin, Germany with no money since I spent it all at Wacken foolishly.


Edit: And Wacken!! I wish I had gone. What did you think of D'espairs Ray and Subway to Sally?
I would never be the money man for a large group like that. At least one of the 3 is being cool enough to pony up, the other 2 would rise to the top of my immediate shit list. Good luck getting some cash back, OR getting even!


Kaosaur said:

Edit: And Wacken!! I wish I had gone. What did you think of D'espairs Ray and Subway to Sally?

Sadly, I missed Subway to Sally, I was dead tired and my leg was hurting alot from falling during the Wacken Football Match, but D'espairs Ray I wasn't gonna miss for anything. They were amazing, very energetic, the singer moved around alot, guitarists moved alot, drumming was damn good. The singer (can't remember his name) didn't talk much to the crowd, but that was probably because he doesn't know much english or german.

They played my favorite song of theirs, Infection, and it was great, he is a good singer for their type of music. Sadly, they played it while I was waiting for Amon Amarth to come out so I could get their autograph, but it sounded good. The crowd loved the band as well. Easily tied with Lake of Tears as my favorite band at Wacken this year.
caex said:
Sadly, I missed Subway to Sally, I was dead tired and my leg was hurting alot from falling during the Wacken Football Match, but D'espairs Ray I wasn't gonna miss for anything. They were amazing, very energetic, the singer moved around alot, guitarists moved alot, drumming was damn good. The singer (can't remember his name) didn't talk much to the crowd, but that was probably because he doesn't know much english or german.

They played my favorite song of theirs, Infection, and it was great, he is a good singer for their type of music. Sadly, they played it while I was waiting for Amon Amarth to come out so I could get their autograph, but it sounded good. The crowd loved the band as well. Easily tied with Lake of Tears as my favorite band at Wacken this year.

Very awesome. I've seen a couple of D'espairs Ray shows here in NY and have been following them since they got started in Japan....very cool band.

Which reminds me, ProgPower is timed so awesomely. I'm going down to West Palm Beach right after to visit a friend of mine who lives there and catch Dir en grey (again) on the Family Values Tour.
Kaosaur said:
Very awesome. I've seen a couple of D'espairs Ray shows here in NY and have been following them since they got started in Japan....very cool band.

Which reminds me, ProgPower is timed so awesomely. I'm going down to West Palm Beach right after to visit a friend of mine who lives there and catch Dir en grey (again) on the Family Values Tour.

Nice, Wacken was my first time seeing a Japanese band live, it was great.
Dir en grey here in NYC in March was quite an experience.

I waited on line from 5am to see an 8pm show. Some people got there at midnight. By noon there were about 200 people on line. I was maybe 10th in line with my friends. Crazy stuff. Very high energy show.
Kaosaur said:
Dir en grey here in NYC in March was quite an experience.

I waited on line from 5am to see an 8pm show. Some people got there at midnight. By noon there were about 200 people on line. I was maybe 10th in line with my friends. Crazy stuff. Very high energy show.

Nice. I want to see them sometime.
First of all that sucks and I feel for you. Do you have any other friends that would want to go? At the very least you can try, even though there is little time left...I would send them a bill, its not your fault they had a falling out and you shouldn't have to pay the penalty...

I think you should take those fuckers to the PEOPLE'S COURT!

And not that sissy-crap with the chick judge... get Judge Wapner on their asses.
booB said:
I think you should take those fuckers to the PEOPLE'S COURT!

And not that sissy-crap with the chick judge... get Judge Wapner on their asses.

LOL. Judy could kick Wapner's ass from the bench to the chambers and beyond.
Kaosaur... i've been there. I feel for ya.

When I lived up in NYC...I'd try and organize trips to shows out of state with friends, and they stiffed me big time once, with me laying out all the $$, etc.

I'll never do that again.

This is why I go to metal shows, go on trips, etc. by myself now. I'm the only one I can trust, the only person my age I know who has a decent job!, and will hold true to their word about travel plans.

If you have the $$ then take them to court, that's horse shit!
I lost like $90 in TicketBastard fees ALONE for cancelled Nightwish shows. (Thanks, Tarja :rolleyes: ) Just didn't have the heart to ask everyone for the fees. Learned not to buy that big a bunch so far in advance for multiple people and shows.
lol same thing happened to me with the Nightwish show...

i bought 3 for friends, all ditched, i lost all the fee $$, and none would pay up!
i don't talk to them anymore...

and the first USA go around for "Once"...a friend left before we went into the show. she had just broken up with her boyfriend and couldn't deal with being at the show. LAME.

so yea...Nightwish in some cosmic way likes to screw me as well.