let me EQ your tracks!

Cheers M8,
I hope you get something useful from this :)

I know you hear on this forum there is no right or wrong way, and that is very true but there is always guide lines you can follow to help along the way.

Eq before or after compression during mastering depends on several factors. Here are a couple of my thoughts on this.

The quality of the Original mix. If it is well balanced to begin with, little to no Mastering EQ will be needed beyond maybe adding air and sub bass frequencies. A mix with an un even frequency balance will be harder to compress effectively, and more often than not a multi-band compressor will have to be used before a standard stereo compressor to even out the spectrum. This is when compression is more like EQ. This is also what Har-Bal does. If used right it will eliminate the need for a multi-band compressor.

If you don't want your compression to change your EQ during mastering you need to use and Opto based compressor as they are very transparent.

Surgical EQ should be done BEFORE compression, sweeting EQ after (or created with) a compressor.

Again these are just guidelines and starting points I have picked from various sources over time. The best thing you can do is try them and see what works best for your ears and work flow.


great post! definitely clear my doubts, for some reason i was thinking out of context ,i know that the way of using some tools like eq and compression is different depending of the situation either mixing or mastering , and the latter is still like some kind of mystic art to me :lol: thanks for the useful info.!

i read about Har bal in their website and i got to say that seems really interesting, also the mastering tutorial they have is really cool.
i read about Har bal in their website and i got to say that seems really interesting, also the mastering tutorial they have is really cool.

Glad you find it interesting. The tutorial is awesome alright. Download the demo and have a play and see what you think and please feel free to ask me any questions about its usage I will do my very best to answer.
