Let me hear your tracks that use Trilian bass


Aug 1, 2009
Sydney, Australia
I haven't used Trilian bass for a long time. I just wasn't getting the results I was hoping for. I'm thinking of having another crack at it.

I'm hoping you guys might post some tracks you've made or list any other releases you know of that use Trilian to convince me that I'm not wasting my time going down this path again.

And yes, before you post, I know I know real bass is better etc. etc.

Been using Trillian on absolutely everything for a few years. P-Bass model is the only one I can get to sound almost natural and how I want. Excited to get real bass soon though cause I feel like Trillian lacks something. Still sounds better than other bass samplers i've heard though.
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Thanks for sharing. haha That's some crazy sharky goodness!

I gave Trilian another go last night, although it sounds better than most bass VIs, I couldn't get it to sound good.
Thanks for posting. You guys a doing a lot better than me. How much post processing are you guys doing? I tend to try and leave it alone as much as possible. Maybe I need to get a bit more complex.
I fuck off a lot of mids, wide scoop between 200 and 1k, further deep cut around 300, maybe 500 too. Also cut around 150-200. HP at 40, LP 5-6k. Theres very little of that sound I want getting through haha.