Let me try that again...Hotel where bands stay at??


Queen of the Ryche
Feb 8, 2003
Jersey girl in a Florida world
Sorry about that last post, my comp here at work froze & never posted my message!!! ARGH!!!!

I was just wondering if anyone knows which hotel the bands stay at? My fiance & I are flying down & looking into hotel info & of course he says, find out where the bands stay at...HAHA!!!

If someone can let us know that would be great...thanks! :)
Dude, you are a bit late for that. Most of the bands stay at the Granada Suites hotel; however, that hotel has been booked for about 2 months now. You may try the Fairfield, another place where some bands stay (I think).
You can try the Fairfield--there might be some rooms left. Next to being at 'ground zero' at the Granada---the Fairfield is the next cooliest place to stay--and yes, some of the bands stay there. We had a great party their with Vanden Plas after Saturday nights show last year!!! Also, I believe Circle 2 Circle, Pagans Mind, Secret Sphere, and Redemption were their last year! Give it a shot!
The upper-echelon, nose-in-the-air headlining bands stay at the Granada, whereas the FAR cooler non-headlining bands, y'know, the ones toiling in the trenches for you and me, stay at the Fairfield.

(This is a joke, of course; while the headlining bands DO stay at the closer hotel, I haven't yet met anyone from a Progpower performing band, headlining or otherwise, who wasn't cool as shit. :))