Let those Mother Fucking Games begin!


New Metal Member
Sep 1, 2004
ok Billy i have a tremendous amount of respect for your music career.

I look foward to a debate extreme Left Winger (me) vs. extreme Right Winger (You)

lets go response for response

any political topic be my guest.

"You say Liberal like its a bad thing" :D
"Well wait-you should start the debate as the guest "

Ok, first topic: I'll make it an easy one. The protesters in New York. How should the poilece treat them?

My thoughts: We know for a fact that many officers have been injurd. I believe that the poliece should respond with force. Theise people have no right to assult officers trying to keep order. You have to fight fire with fire.
Cryptkeeper said:
"Well wait-you should start the debate as the guest "

Ok, first topic: I'll make it an easy one. The protesters in New York. How should the poilece treat them?

In all honesty- People should get treated with the same respect they are giving. I believe that the police can be abusive but so cam protestors.
More of an opinion not a debate.
Buzzard said:
Amazed that suck a young person is into my whole thing
It's nice to be posting in this great forum. Of couse I'm into your hole thing. I agree with you on pretty much everything. For a young person, I'm very interested in politics, and I support President Bush. Nice to "meet" you too, in fact, it's an honor (even though we're not really "meeting", heh)
yeah sorrry got sidetracked i'm a male 17 years old (18 in Nov) Currently reside in the most expensive hell hole in the United States: New Jersey
These protesters are wasting the NYPD's time for something that isn't going to stop a war. These cops have more important shit to deal with. Like terrorists setting bombs or other crazy shit like that.In my opinion these hippie's are a terrorists best freind.
I feel that the protesters have a right to demonstrate in NYC just like any American has the right to protest. I feel the NYPD has the right to use force against any physical abuse. But than again "Its not a peace protest unless your disrupting the peace"- Bill Maher

"You say Liberal like its a bad thing" :D
thanx to the republicans, its costing NYC $70million to protect the city against attacks and protestors that wouldnt be there if bush went to texas for his rally, after all he is loved over there isnt he??? oh and by the way, on the first day, this $70M protection system failed, has the PAPD had to shut down the hoboken path station bcs they found explosives on the tracks, WAY TO GO MR.PRESIDENT you have brought back even more fear into this area, exactly what people needed...enoguh said (oh and please dont say shit bcs i had to wait 1h for my pregnant girlfriend to arrive from the train bcs she has to go to work until a week before she is due, yeah healthcare is so good in this country u gota give birth to your baby in the office, of course its better to spend all that money on military than the wealth of the citizens (remember some of them defended the country and now they get shit and the ones who protect it now will get even less than shit when they need treatment for cancer bcs the army uses uranium based ammunition)
As_those_palaces_Burn said:
I feel that the protesters have a right to demonstrate in NYC just like any American has the right to protest. I feel the NYPD has the right to use force against any physical abuse. But than again "Its not a peace protest unless your disrupting the peace"- Bill Maher

DIsrupting the peace is one thing- Shooting horses with marbles from slingshots is something entirely different issue- and that's my main objection