Feles, that's really cool dude, though I don't recognize it; which FF game is it from? (so far, I've only played VII and X). And I watched Advent Children last night; I gotta say, I really thought it had potential in the beginning, and even when it degenerated into the ENDLESS fucking action sequence and I realized that that was pretty much gonna be the rest of the movie (though I thought the ending resolution with Zack and Aeris was really well done, definitely moved me), I still definitely had a few FUCK YEAH moments, mainly when everyone else showed up to lend a hand.
As for the voices, I thought Cloud's was pretty close to fitting, though the accent (New Yorker? Or maybe just general tough guy) kept it from really working for me; Tifa's wasn't bad, though the writing (translation really, I guess) was appallingly bad, which was a pity; Barret was close but a little too goofy/cheery (though maybe he as a character just wasn't as grumpy as he was in the game), but Cait Sith's Scottish accent was just ridiculous (though seeing as how in the game he started out normal and then like halfway through inexplicably took on a mega-cliche southern accent, it wasn't too jarring

), and I wish Nanaki/Red XIII spoke more (he had one line for fuck's sake, and then his voice was just a bit too weeny IMO). HOWEVER, I thought Quinton Flynn (AKA Raiden) was perfect as Reno, so at least they got one right! (and Cid, Yuffie, and Vincent weren't bad either, for the few lines they had

). And Sephiroth's voice really fit too IMO
Apparently, though, the Advent Children Complete Blu-Ray (which I'll be picking up soon) has a decent amount of extra footage (~26 minutes) that provides some further development and hopefully isn't just more anime action nonsense, so I have high hopes for that (it also has a couple of featurettes that explain from different perspectives what happened in the interim 2 years between the end of the game and the movie). Also, I'm gonna be working on my own cover medley of FF7 tunes, so stay tuned!

And finally, for some ridiculous lulz:
"Yo. Two."