Let's all replay Final Fantasy 7.

(sorry I don't have edit button when i use firefox on this site, don't know why)

Oh and, there may be a few glitches, during the rendering I used too much CPU besides my DAW and I think a few cymbal hits are strange but I didn't have the will to render again!
Watched this a few days ago, reminded me that I indeed need to replay FF7:

I was something like 10 or 11 when I bought FF7 and played it through, and had only had English in school for like a year or two, so I didn't quite understand the plot completely.
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Aight this is ridiculous, 16 hours in, just at the base of the Temple of the Ancients. This is now the furthest I've ever gotten in the game, never beat it back in middle school.

Picked up Vincent as well now, so I've got all the possible characters. Cool shit!
Man, something like that would have just about devastated my life in 6th grade :lol: And I'm gonna be renting Advent Children soon, what are you guys' thoughts on it?
Oh man, seeing this thread really makes me want to go back and play it again... I played it through twice, once in middle school and again in high school, and watched my friend play through the game last year.

Playing the game through is seriously worth it for the music alone!
- If Nibelheim did indeed burn down (and that wasn't a dream/illusion/whatever), then what's the deal with it being there and all the residents seemingly oblivious?

It's a Shinra cover up. The fact that they were creating monsters/mutants was supposed to be a secret, and a huge catastrophe like Nibelheim burning down would be detrimental. Its plausible that Shinra simply blamed it all on some natural disaster, paid for the whole town to be be rebuilt, and told everyone to keep quiet about it.

- If I understand it correctly, 7 years before the game Cloud left to join Soldier, failed, and became a grunt - then 2 years later (5 before the game) the Nibelheim massacre occurred. What the hell did he do in the interim?

There's an optional scene in the game, I'm not sure how its accessed, but it shows what happens after the massacre. Sephiroth goes into the reactor to free Jenovah, and Zack, Cloud, and Tifa all follow after him. Zack gets nearly killed trying to kill Sephiroth, Tifa gets wounded, but Cloud manages to kill him (fucking epic scene!!). Sephiroth had almost eviscerated him though, so he's really fucked up -- Enter Hojo. Hojo keeps him and Zack alive and treats him with mako, which is why he's able to pass as SOLDIER. Cloud gets mako poisoning, I think, which is why he has a hard time remembering things, and is sort of blacking out for this period. Somehow they escape and get back to Midgar, and something happens to Zack (can't remember what?), but when Cloud regains his senses and joins Avalanche, the game begins.

- Also, I'm still not entirely certain about the whole Jenova/Sephiroth/Cloud thing, and how they relate to one another - I guess every time we see him before the end it's actually either a big gooey malformed alien thing (Jenova) or an ex-member of SOLDIER (those cloaked dudes) somehow taking on his form and being controlled by him? Seems a little thin to me (and also, why did Elena think Cloud killed Tseng?)

1) Jenova is the ancient catastrophe who totally fucked over the Ancients. Shinra found Jenova, and used its DNA to make the monsters, and then did human experiments which yielded Sephiroth #1 (who was Vincent and Lucretia's son, and actually born/had the DNA injected as a fetus).
2) Sephiroth #1 was killed by Cloud in the Nibelheim reactor.
3) The other Sephiroth is a clone, a "perfect" clone, with the other guys being imperfect clones. As far as I understand, anyway?

- Cait Sith - is he a sentient robot with free will that just reports to Reeve, or is he simply remote controlled by Reeve? I'm guessing the former, but it's a little unclear (and if it were the latter, pretty much all emotional impact from his "self-sacrifice" in the Temple of the Ancients is gone)

That's a good question! I'd always kind of assumed that he was simply remotely controlled by Reeve. The emotional impact of the TotA scene was pretty much ruined to me the second the second Cait Sith showed up, but at the same time, I think it was significant that Reeve, the guy working for Shinra, was finally able to give a real, meaningful contribution to saving the planet that he had for so long been destroying.

With that said, I almost have to think that you're right about Cait Sith being a sentient being, if only because it'd be impractical for Reeve to control him after he was found out to be helping the party by Shinra.

(damn I'm such a nerd :lol:)
About 2 : I understood it a bit differently. #1 is not dead but has fallen into the lifestream. So basically, in the whole game, you only encounter him 2 times : 1 physically in the meteo crater, when cloud arrives to his body cristallized into the lifestream, and 2 when you beat him in the end, first time physically (one winged angel) and second time mentally (last battle, with omnislash). Others meetings are with his clone(s)

For me, as I got it, sephiroth #1 is not really dead, but lives through its mental mark into the lifestream. He controls every cell of Jenova, that's why he can control cloud. In the end, you beat it first physically, and then, cloud following his mind into the lifestream, guided by Aeris (that's why we see her face at this moment) to not loose himself, and then finds sephiroth mind, and beats him.

I've also got that sephiroth clone is jenova cells combined into a human form. But I won't say he can control his form, I don't know this fact.
and about Zack :
cloud was a bad soldier, zack was a great, and a S.O.L.D.I.E.R. So when they got fucked up by the sephiroth scene in the mako reactor, and used by hojo, mako had no effect on zack but it had on cloud, "mako poisonning". Zack achieved to evade with a dumb cloud, not able to do anything. Zack talked about becoming mercenary and do good things. As cloud's mind is weakened by the mako, zack ideas are printed in his memory, and when the shinra army catches them, zack almost defends themselves against every soldier, but dies in the end. Cloud half dead mentally is thought physically dead so nobody shot him. He then left, with zack's sword, and this really fucked him strongly. He then mixes both personnalities and memories until almost the end of the game. Mako poisonning still made me vigourous and his eyes blue, therefore everybody thinks he is a Soldier, but he's not technically. He thinks he is because of zack's confusion, and also because he is actually strong, now. And then, as zack told him he wanted to be mercenary, and maybe do something good, he ends being a mercenary himself, and at first goes to Avalanche really for money and only for that (following zack's idea of being a mercenary).

about 3 : I'm still not sure if there is officially a #2 who would be a perfect clone. Even, I think there may be several "sephiroth" in the game, but don't remember. Anyway, for me, #1 is in the meteor crater since the beginning of the actual FFVII game period of time.
Man, something like that would have just about devastated my life in 6th grade :lol: And I'm gonna be renting Advent Children soon, what are you guys' thoughts on it?

absolute crap in the absolute best kind of way :D:D:D
i personally really like it
Well Matt, honestly, I have played it maybe 5 or 6 times (but long time ago) and recently re-read random stuff on the net so that is my last version of what I understand of the story ! But I have yet to play the other FFVII games (dirge of cerberus etc) and re-watch the movie because at first I fucking HATED that movie. It didn't feel FFVII to me, but maybe I was too much attending
ahhhh!!! oh my god, forgive the immense nerdrant seeing this thread just triggered. me and my roomie were amidst chocobo farming when this thread caught my eye. sososo epic.

FF7 when it first came out was WAY too emotionally intense for a 6th grade me, and in all honesty still is, dozens of play-throughs later and at the ripe age of 23. anyone who has played this game and is pretending not to be blown away by it DOES NOT HAVE A SOUL. and my god...when i saw that PS3 demo, (at the age of 21) i fell to my knees in awe and at the realization that it was just a cruel, cruel, hoax, was never able to forgive square. ever. it was like... seeing one of your dead relatives brought back to life, only to be told it was just an illusion and that i should've known it was too good to be true. i don't care how epic ff13 is gonna be. yes obviously i'll play it, but...still. i will never get over the torment of watching that trailer. the ONLY redemption would be if they follow through with a complete and total remake.

Advent children is totally worth watching, but ... is not FF7. it almost kinda kills it in a bit, like gareth was saying, alot of the magic of the game (as opposed to something like FFX) is that your imagination is free to create the characters the way you see/hear them in your head. Then you watch advent children and you're like well that's not how clouds voice sounded in my head, and that's not even how i pronounced tifa... o_0 and the over-the-top anime cheeseball factor is a little out of hand...such as... i could do without every single motor cycle scene. but it's redeeming values are seeing a sephiroth battle, bahamut summoned (oh my god...) and tifa rendered without watermelon tits (made it difficult to take the final post-sephiroth battle scene seriously, IMO)

a few years ago i was a telemarketer and played ff7-9 on my psp one after another, repeatedly.

marcus, what level were you at upon beating?? sounds like a pretty impressive and minimal run-through, you should go through again and try and be item obsessed this time. don't forget the turtles paradise flyers!

Anyone tried playing it on a cracked iphone / itouch yet?? i've heard rumors of PS1 emulating becoming the norm on those stupid little gadgets.
yeah the story is so utterly forgettable that even after having seen it about 4 times i cant remember even a teeny tiny bit of it
but who gives a fuck?
marcus, what level were you at upon beating?? sounds like a pretty impressive and minimal run-through, you should go through again and try and be item obsessed this time. don't forget the turtles paradise flyers!

Yeah, the first time I just roared through because I needed to see where the story was going (NEEDED I tell you :D), and I'm currently on my second playthrough and actually attending to all the sidequests and bonus stuff this time around - what pisses me off about this and FFX (and Eternal Sonata, which I played first btw, and now that I've played FFVII and FFX the amount of ripoffs in ES are staggering, and I'm sure there are tons from FFVIII as well :erk: ) is that the sidequests are seriously out of the way; in western RPG's like Mass Effect and Deus Ex it's really easy to find the sidequests, just talk to everybody in every area and you'll get inundated with 'em (and at least have a handy journal to keep track of 'em), but in these JRPG's, it seems like none of them open up unless you choose to revisit old areas, and it always seems like it has to be way later in the game; kind of annoying, but that's what GameFAQS guides are for I guess! :goggly:

BTW, I can answer at least one of my above questions: in the new Nibelheim, if you read the letter on Tifa's desk, it's actually a report to Hojo stating straight-up that the town was rebuilt after the fire and all the people are Shinra staff; a cover-up on that scale is a bit too much of a stretch to be plausible IMO (and now that I've had my in-game Cloud read the letter, I wish I could get him to confront all the mofos in the town and FORCE the truth out of them with the buster sword at their throats :heh: ), but at least it's a minor plot point!