Lets come up with the perfect thread, and then start it


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
Visit site
OK - the picture thread, the belief in God thread - these had longevity. Others, dumped like a bad habit.

So, what would be the perfect thread, one that could contend with eternity (if possible)?

Honestly, I'll have to think about it and answer my own question later.

[if I was to venture a guess, this thread will end up in the oscurity pile:lol:, but it's the effort that counts ]
to be honest, i didn't even open the "do you believe in god?" thread...so it's success is something of a mystery to me. though i suppose it's an issue that's very topical and potentially very revealing. so people were obviously intrigued by that factor.

the picture thread did well, and is still faring well, most probably because board members have an instinctive desire to want to see the people they converse with. it adds another level of conviction to the chat.

the ultimate thread would perhaps be something both personal and opeth-related. it would have the potential for interaction and variety of opinion. that's all i can offer so far.... :D
Originally posted by tintin
how about something like: what happened to you today that you'll remember the rest of your life? or what was the best thing that happened to you today?

Your first idea is really good, start that one!! :eek:)

But that "What was the best thing that happened
to you today?" question is just too damn positive
for some of us here! >:eek:P Hehehe....

You know, we're being accused of being too
misanthropic and almost all of us admitted that
"WE ARE!!" hehe >:eek:)
But, any thread is a good thread as long as it's not
JUST filled with hate... Then again, I don't think that
will happen on this board... Whenever someone are
feeling down, someone else posts a nice replay,
that at least makes ME feel good :eek:)

So; do that one too!!! >:eek:) Whenever someone are
starting to write negative stuff we're all there to
"save" the thread.... I hope... >:eek:)
The perfect thread is the one that ends when it should and does not keeps up after that boring people.

If there is a thread that could go on without an ending it would have to be subjective, so my pick would be something like " Pic your favorite philosophy and stand by it " thread when everyone discusses philosophies they follow or make up in life.
i think what happened to you today that you will remember the rest of your life thread would go on for a while because stuff will keep happening to people on diffrent days and they will post it. there is no end dammit! :D
You're all a bunch of boring cunts. Let's bomb Germany instead.
Originally posted by Demonspell
The perfect thread ould be one where the members of Opeth would answer all of our questions to them no matter how ridiculous, and could respond in any way they want...if Mikael told me I was full of shit, I would be overjoyed.

Hehehe.... True! That's the perfect thread! >:eek:)
Cool let me get my anarchist cookbook you get the ingredients ill enseamble

~I'm not saying you've made a mistake in the meanings of the word here, Misanthrope, I just want to correct people who do.~

Just to end a common thought, "anarchy" does not mean
'a society where crime and murder thrive without the protection given by the police, army, and government' - Meaning of Anarchy claimed by Collins Shorter Dictionary.

The term 'anarchy' comes from the Greek prefix ‘an’ (or ‘a’), meaning 'the absence of', or 'the lack of, plus ‘archos’, meaning 'a ruler', 'director', 'chief', 'person in charge', or 'authority'.

In other words (or as Peter Kropotkin put it) 'anarchy' comes from the Greek words meaning 'contrary to authority' or 'without government'.
You should all open up to your feminine sides and start a thread about bishounen, and trade pics of the cutest :cool: it would never get dull!