Lets F!@#$ng do this. Slate Trigger Instrument Editor

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
So I made a kick .tci that came out ok. Now I'm trying to do a snare and it doesn't sound natural at all so I need help.

But I thought I would ask a couple questions in case people get it and I don't:

I get columns are what vel the sample is played at (0-127)

I don't fucking get the point of rows though, what do rows (different hits or something)?

Also, I know what an articulation is. But how would I dictate properly when a rimshot should be played?

Right now this fucking thing is a mess, even with as many samples as I did (60 of them). It doesn't translate from hit to hit very well.

If anyone wants to take a look at it, then by all means PM me and I'll shoot it over. I'm not sure if I'm getting the grasp of it and with no way of even looking how the slate .tci files were made I'm wandering in the dark as I don't quite get it.
Basically... you'll want these articulations in a snare:

Full - contains ALL hits
Rimshot - contains only rimshots
Hard - contains only hard hits
Medium - contains only medium hits
Soft - contains only soft hits

This is so that you've got your full replacement layer for normal dynamic snare action, but can manually kick it into 'kill' mode and limit it to one specific velocity layer at a time.

Up and down controls velocity layers (I just hit the "auto" button and let it calculate on its own), and left to right controls how many individual samples per layer there are (how many hits of the same velocity).
I think you're confusing rows with columns which doesn't help. Rows = horizontal, Columns = vertical.
That said:

Rows are the hardness of the hit. So at the top you have rimshots, then the next row down is hard hits, then medium, then soft, then ghost notes, for example.
Columns are multisamples to make it sound random. So you might have 6 rimshots on the first row, so anything between 100 and 127 velocity will choose between these notes. Then you might have 5 hard hits, a few medium hits, and so on.

I'd stay away from Articulations, as last time I checked they didn't work properly. As in, you can choose the articulation of the first TCI in Trigger, and all the rest will be based off that. Which is pretty useless. So I just save alternate articulations (room, snare sidestick, etc.) in other TCI's.
Ah shit, Morgan that is exactly what I have going on:

Under 1 articulation:
30 Rows, 2 Columns:

0-19 vel is ghost hits
20-39 vel is soft hits
40-59 vel is medium hits
60-79 vel is medium hard hits
80-99 vel is hard hits
100-127 is rimshots

I'll see if I can play a roll and trigger it using my made .tci and maybe I can get some pointers on how to improve that shit.
Ah shit, Morgan that is exactly what I have going on:

Under 1 articulation:
30 Rows, 2 Columns:

0-19 vel is ghost hits
20-39 vel is soft hits
40-59 vel is medium hits
60-79 vel is medium hard hits
80-99 vel is hard hits
100-127 is rimshots

I'll see if I can play a roll and trigger it using my made .tci and maybe I can get some pointers on how to improve that shit.

I don't understand how you have 30 rows (or 2 rows if you've mixed rows/columns up) but 6 velocity stages...? Try and have at least 4-5 samples per row (horizontal row, not those tricky vertical rows, to clarify ;p)
Fuck me at 5:30 in the morning I can't explain shit. :lol:

Here is a screenshot, 30 rows, 2 columns (as it shows in the pic?):

I dunno you tell me if I got this sounding right. One is the orig superior snare, one is my snare. It would be great if it responded simliar, but it's not the end of the world if it doesn't quite. Might have to tweak it because the ghosts are wicked quiet and pretty much blend into nothing (the room sample in superior overpowers them).

and yeah I'm not a drummer :lol:
Original Superior.mp3

New Screenshot:

The midi coming off the kit (snare only):
Can't really help, but I have the same issue in Cubase Studio 5.
When using more than one sample slot in Trigger, I can choose the Articulation only on the first one.
On the others slots, it behave like on your screenshot "Art 1 of 1".
Maybe it will be fixed on the next update ?
Can't really help, but I have the same issue in Cubase Studio 5.
When using more than one sample slot in Trigger, I can choose the Articulation only on the first one.
On the others slots, it behave like on your screenshot "Art 1 of 1".
Maybe it will be fixed on the next update ?

thanks man, Seems that it has to be in the first slot to see articulations. Maybe I should just have the alternate room mics in a separate .tci.
Yeah, and even on the first slot with other samples loaded on the others slots, it's not very reliable.
Indeed, you'll be better with 2 separate TCIs.

That's a shame, because you can't use the Articluation feature (which I think is a great idea) at it's best because of that.
Rows are the various velocity and columns are the various samples for each velocity, to get multisampling for each velocity.
So...for example...5 columns / 5 samples for rimshots, 5 samples hard hits, 5 samples normal hits, 5 samples soft etc...
Rows are the various velocity and columns are the various samples for each velocity, to get multisampling for each velocity.
So...for example...5 columns / 5 samples for rimshots, 5 samples hard hits, 5 samples normal hits, 5 samples soft etc...

I have it figured at this point. The problem (and why the thread was bumped) is with the articulation option not working. :)