Let's Get Back To Anthrax Topics...


Metal Madman
Feb 15, 2002
Northern Michigan
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I think we should go back to Anthrax related topics. This board is getting boring as I am tired of reading things of an unrelated nature. It was nice for a change to keep the board active. Now we should go back talking about Anthrax-the purpose of this forum.
But there isn't a proliferation of news from the boys lately. You can only talk about topics like "what's your favorite album", "Joey vs. John", "Danny vs. Paul vs. Rob" etc. for so long, ya know? I like the fact people bring up off-topic stuff because there are some damn funny people posting here! :)

Originally posted by coop
But there isn't a proliferation of news from the boys lately. You can only talk about topics like "what's your favorite album", "Joey vs. John", "Danny vs. Paul vs. Rob" etc. for so long, ya know? I like the fact people bring up off-topic stuff because there are some damn funny people posting here! :)


I concur! There are some funny ass tales being told on here by some funny ass people!!!! I think that the purpose of a bulletin board is two fold. One, to share news, gossip, and show reviews/tidbits, and two, for the people who post alot to "socialize." I could give a fats rat ass to talk about the production values of the Butcher Brothers versus Eddie Kramer or some asinine topic like that.
Yeah, there just isn't a whole lot of Thrax news to talk about right now damnit. Most everybody here seems really cool and I've read some funny shit as of late so I'm not going to complain. Things will pick up when they release the new album though...I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT MUCH LONGER!!!!!!!!