Let's get into a good ol fashioned music argument!

It's a pretty unoriginal example but come on, this is a good slow, heavy song.

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Fuck that. Blastbeats + Speed = A trebley, tinny mess. When I think "heavy" I think bass, I think crushing riffs with a sense of groove to them backed up by awesome drumming.

I am with you on crushing riffs with groove and 'awesome' drumming, whatever that means. What I am not with you on is your reservation to include speed in your definition.

That song that WhiteBeast of whatever the fuck it is posted. That is a HEAVY song.
this shit is just heavy, to me atleast....

and I cant believe that I am about to do this but: let us never forget what brought us forth into the darkness...the heaviest of heavy, I give you:

okay, that was just to be a smartass, but it is pretty heavy....
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This is also way out ahead in the International Heavy Race of Brutality.

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and I cant believe that I am about to do this but: let us never forget what brought us forth into the darkness...the heaviest of heavy, I give you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEoN5Nx4u0w

okay, that was just to be a smartass, but it is pretty heavy....

Actually, I think you're not too far off my lad!.. That song is (still) one of the heaviest pieces of music I've heard. And, like most of us here, I've heard some heavy shit.

And Gojira's "Toxic Garbage Island" which I can't embed due to Youtube Naziism but you all know anyway.