Let's get Shpongled on Halloween in the UK!


Aug 30, 2001
31st October 2008 - SHPONGLE LIVE in the UK


Thats right... you can believe your eyes, its not a prank. The venue is booked, the deposit is down. Its happening. Preparations are already underway for Shpongle's first full LIVE performance in the UK which will be showcasing not only the old material played by a 7 piece band but also some of the new material that will be making up Shpongle's 4th Album. Its been talked about for 10 years, but now its happening. Its in the Roundhouse in London. It will be a concert type affair, not an all night party. We will soon begin selling tickets to this event. Standby for more information, put the date in your diary. You do NOT want to miss this. It will be an audio visual experience to tell your grandchildren about.
I HAVE to see this!!!!


Derick, Tyler, Neal... book flights and sign me up for a passport, get some hotel reservations and take care of everything, would ya? I'll pay ya back later. Thanks!
...Wow...actually you know what? Kevin... I'm going to go to this. And you're coming.
My only issue is paying for it.

But when they announce the rest of the lineup, if I see either Ott or Younger Brother or Hallucinogen in Dub (or Dog help me, all of the above) I'll be robbing a bank.
No offense, but I'm sure we'd need someone to translate what you're saying after you've had a little to drink, Derek. :p
Well I hate to relate your accent to a Newfy, but I'm sure if I can understand them, it won't be too much more of a difficulty to decipher what you're sayin'.