Let's Have Fun With This Thread!!!!

I share my b-day with Adrian Smith, plus a few other noteworthies:

Neal Schon of Journey :headbang:
Nancy Spungen (Sid Vicious' girlfriend)
Johnny Van Zant of Lynyrd Skynyrd
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, poet
Hugo Black, Supreme Court Justice
John Steinbeck, author :headbang:
Ariel Sharon, PM of Israel
Elizabeth Taylor (she was quite the foxy lady in her day)
Ralph Nader (I used to think well of him until he cost Al Gore the 2000 election)
Chelsea Clinton
Juliana Imai and Nicole Linkletter, both models

And my big one:

Saint Constantine. If you're Christian, that's a very cool coincidence because he helped form the religion from a small enclave (virtually cult status) continually persecuted to national and international acceptance.