Let's look at the history of bands LotFP has sponsored at ProgPower...

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
... 2001 Nightingale, almost totally unknown in the States as Black Mark is almost inactive, is sponsored by LotFP at ProgPower. Signs to The End Records for the US, a relationship that has expanded to include Swanö's Second Sky project.

... 2002 Devin Townsend, who had never had any of his solo albums officially distributed in the US, is sponsored by LotFP (and Paul!) at ProgPower. Soon after, InsideOut America picks up all his stuff for the US.

... 2003 Mercenary, who had no official US deal and whose debut album was being forgotten in the new US office of Hammerheart as 'back catalog', is sponsored by LotFP at ProgPower. Today, they announced signing to Century Media Records!

2004 Wuthering Heights is this year's LotFP-sponsored band. Rumors that Ken Golden is shaking in his boots that a major label is going to offer the band a multimillion dollar deal after their performance are unconfirmed at this time. ;)

*toot toot*
I think it's all awesome...but...I've gotta ask...

Will the PPUSA sponsorships still keep coming from Finland?

Just curious...
Jim is the ultimate in kvlt. He's so kvlt, he's sponsoring a band for ProgPower V and won't even be there to see 'em.

Now THAT's kvlt. :D

An addendum regarding Devy.... Not only has he been picked up by InsideOut, but his visibility within the prog community has increased since PPUSA 3 with his inclusion on the new (and fuckin' brilliant) Ayreon album. Dunno how much PP had to do with that, but it's cool. :Smokedev:

(that smilie is called......waitforit......."smokedev" :))
Thor Intrepid said:
What is 'kvlt'?
I assume it started out as the word "cult", and then underwent several stages of alterations in spelling in order to make the word more, well, for lack of a better word: :kickass: .

Ryan (this is my first listen ever to my "now playing" CD: not to start a holy war, but even at first listen I gotta say I all kinds of prefer Charlie Dominici over that guy who replaced him)
I´m sure glad that Jim took the chance and sponsored us. So, a big HELLO and THANKS from Denmark!!!!!
