Lets see yer Halloween costumes!


You could do Honda on a diet, as I'm sure no one will object to the topless part.

If not, just stick a bone in yer nose and go as Dhalsim, haha!
I'd be Vega if I were to go as a Street Fighter. Mysterious, quiet, deadly, and beautiful! I would poke people with my claws at Halloween parties.

Step 1: Pick a random superhero.

Step 2: Tack a skirt onto the costume and cut about 80% of the rest of it off.

will and i are going to that night of the living dead thing in pa and there's gonna be a zombie walk on halloween. a friend of mine made me a pillbox hat, so i might just wear a short gray skirt, blouse, heels and the hat and go as a zombie secretary or something (it'd really just be an excuse to wear the hat)