Let's start a cave troll club!

I know a good bridge by a cave. Oh, and Karen, we'll try to keep the cave within 30 miles of your house.
I want to be the head troll...

It'll be so cool... I'm gonna rule over you oh-so-fairly until power gets to my head and I do something so tyranic that one of you younger, stronger, thrashier trolls (possibly pyrus) kills me and becomes head troll...
Samantha and I thought of it first, and its (mostly) democratic. Unless I get REALLY pissed, then someone is going to die. :D
Random Beard said:
Samantha and I thought of it first, and its (mostly) democratic. Unless I get REALLY pissed, then someone is going to die. :D


We must increase our Vincent Price video library as well as find more cookies to store in the cave to keep us happy trolls.

I shant kill the ladies, sam, no need to hide. I would if I had the patience, time, and money, Andrew (for D&D) And yes, we shall have a cove for our cave. All good movies welcome.
No one wants to see boobies in the land of trolldom! However, you may leave your loincloths behind. On second thought, let's wear mandatory robes.

Flags and music and making robes, we're being kinda active for sardy trolls. I'm going to sleep for 14 hours tonight to make up for this.