Let's start a cave troll club!

Derick can pirate our music.

oh, we need a pirate ship with wheels so we can go pilliage and sing our troll songs as we sail the forests.
Men endelig fikk jeg øye på stakkar'n
>men fuck and jig stark naked

Jeg hevet min knyttede neve
>have at the keg, my little knave!

Og skrek:
>Aw shit!

"Svake kristne!
>Spank Kristine!

Dø i natt!
>Do what now?

Jeg skal flerre din sjel i to!"
>do the skull jig and flash everybody too.
BlackwaterNymph said:
Release the hounds! However, random sex would be fun only to play who's my baby daddy, Russian Roulette style. 9 months later, see if the baby has a jewfro, a random beard, or says "eh?" a lot. Damn Canadians.

What if, by chance, he's very, very angry all of the time, drinks a lot, and has a thing for feces. o_O
Well then I am starting a gang of ZOMBIE BRIDGE TROLLS

have at ye, cave trolls!

the brains of the billy goats shall be ours!