Lets talk 4x12 Cabs!

The cab makes more of a difference than the amp. There, I said it! The speakers loaded in the cabinet are even more important. It's the last link in the chain, and if it's weak it will break (your recording).
Well the plan is to pull the v30s out of the avatar and put them in the Marshall :)

Like I said. $180 for 2 v30s that are already broken in. New they go for $150 a piece. Ill put them in my Vintage Marshall cab and then I got a quality cab and quality speakers :)

Then I can take the 2 shit speakers in the Marshall now put them in the avatar and resell it for $100.
since I got the Mesa I haven't used the Engl Pro even ONCE!
the MEsa shits all over it, the Engl sounds thin and fizzy as fuck in comparison, the Mesa sounds wider, smoother,deeper.
atm I'm in love with my ubercab.