Lets talk about 808s for a min

Ive heard so many different types and have had specific request from bands that want these specific type of 808s.

Heres what I do,

I use the signal generator in Pro Tools, do a sine wave of about 42hz, lock it to the kick and fade it out. Seems to work.

Anyone else have a different method?:Smug:
I have been doing the same thing. I have had a couple of bands here lately though that have basically been specifically requesting that the sub drops distort the mix.

fuuuuuu :erk:

usually the same bands that ask for 10 - 15 in every song and can't play their instruments for shit. I hate myself for being 20 and only having cred with other 20 year old so called "musicians".... haha.

but all that is a another story altogether... :rolleyes:

I also found some 808 samples AdamWathan posted a little while back. There are some good ones in there that I have been using.
I thought there was only one 808.

let's try to keep this discussion on track... I've been looking how to do these.

Thanks for the tip ben, I'm going to try that sine wave thing in Logic.
Actually, I have 808 kicks built-in in Logic - but how should I go about mixing them in? Simply boost the bass frequencies from about 40Hz, and cut from anywhere else?
Ive heard so many different types and have had specific request from bands that want these specific type of 808s.

Heres what I do,

I use the signal generator in Pro Tools, do a sine wave of about 42hz, lock it to the kick and fade it out. Seems to work.

Anyone else have a different method?:Smug:

I do pretty much the same thing except I make a sine wave that drops from 160hz-30hz in about 5 seconds
I am gonna get a lot of flack for this, but I can safely say that I like sub drops that distort mixes. Not utterly and completely distorting the mix, but enough to where it introduces a nice crunch whilst maintaining a smooth low end. When I hear a sub drop like that, I can feel the energy it releases. Granted that they're used sparingly. I can't stand hearing one after the other, after the other. It just takes away from their point. Just my two cents, anyway.
I always end up using one from the vengance electro library I bought 2 years ago...but it's more of a low hit with some verb on it rather than a subdrop, I'll low pass it until it works. I know it's not the thing for every song, but used sparingly, it can add a lot to a breakdown IMO
Yea lots of shitty bands abuse the 808. But when you hear it in the right song with the right part, they deffinitely sound rad. Like the first track on the 12 Tribes CD that has the song Versus Complex. That 808 really added something cool to that song IMO. Same with lots of other songs. But yea when some douche band uses it on 20 breakdowns, it gets lame very fast.

Thanks for the other methods guys. Im going to try some of this stuff out.