Let's talk about a punkrock-mix


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
Yep, here it is:

All Masses Start with...

given references where old greenday, new pennywise, millencolin etc....you get the idea.

my goal was to keep it natural and raw(alot of roommic in the drums, only one reverb on the entire project, no beat-correction etc), on the other hand I wanted them to be able to keep up with nowaday's modern productions..
think somewhere between punk and hardcore or so.
Might be a tad too much compression on the 2buss (the toms do funky thinks here and there ;) ).

k, enuff....tell me what you think and what should be improved!

details can be provided if there's any interest
I'd brighten everything up a notch, slight hi shelfing from 3khz or something similar. maybe more compression on overheads? sounds ok now, I'd only like it a bit brighter :)
sounds pretty damn good! different style of punkrock than i usually do, a lot more old school, straightforward.

my guess for the amps: 5150, perhaps with a 2203 / 2204

nice natural overal sound. the guitarsound is a bit too modern for the style in my opinion, and also a bit too modern compared to the rest of the mix. but let's just say i'm not a great big fan of modern guitarsound at all. I would go for less gain and more mastervolume, but that's really a personal thing. this sound gives it a bit more hardcore edge.

nice work!
Well done, it just seems to me that the right channel guitar has more mids or is louder in comparison to the left. Maybe just even them out :)
Well done, it just seems to me that the right channel guitar has more mids or is louder in comparison to the left. Maybe just even them out :)

yeah, both pretty good, right channel is JMP2203 and left channel is recto pre thru VHT 2150.
So the Middy MArshall seems a bit more present of course.

Reference for the guitarsound was pennywise, so I did have to make it a bit more "modern".

thanks for listening