Lets talk Nordstrom for a moment

I´m curious about how you mix your room mikes. In the mix I´m working on I recorded a mono room mike for the first time, it was my neumann tlm103 into tube pre, driven it hard. And now, while I´m mixing, I can´t see what to do other than compressing the shit out and may be cut some lows.....any clue?
I've a similar question about room mics. The way I use them is I slam them (much like parallel comp) and just automate the volume for different parts of the song.
But what are yall doing with them? (Not trying to hijack the thread by any means...)
On a mono room I generally crush to hell (distort via 1176 all-buttons mode) and then hpf/lpf to get some really dirty midrange in there.

Stereo rooms get a way more gentle compression setting and a not-as-extreme hpf/lpf.
Actually Nordstrom hasn't done as much sample replacement as you might think on his albums. He's got a good drum room and he likes to get the sound he wants from the kit. The Darkest Hour record mentioned above is a perfect example. The drums on that record are all natural.

I know for sure he uses a shitload of samples, expecially when he mixes (also Slate).
And take note that actually he doesn't record or mix many things...he's like the owner of the studio and I think Henrik does much much more things than Fredrik
I know for sure he uses a shitload of samples, expecially when he mixes (also Slate).
And take note that actually he doesn't record or mix many things...he's like the owner of the studio and I think Henrik does much much more things than Fredrik

Maybe now, but I haven't liked much out of there in years anyway.