Let's talk wrasslin'

I think Bret leans into it now somewhat for the memes, it's pretty hilarious how for a while in every interview he was shoehorning an insult to Goldberg being an unsafe worker. Sometimes it was so out of left field I have to assume it was on purpose just to get a laugh.

But yes, Cody should have won last year. What bothers me about 'Finish da Story part 2' is that you could literally have skipped from the end of last year's WM to the RR and essentially nothing of relevence has happened. Only Jey's rise as a babyface, but that would have been accomplished whether Cody won or not, so it's a moot point. Part 2 has literally just consisted of 'wait until next WM' which is fucking pointless beyond artificially extending Roman's title run to tout a fake number in a fake sport. Who cares. There were tons of cool storylines that could have come out of Roman losing the belt and watching the Bloodline fall apart around him. Rock vs Roman this year would have made far more sense if they'd gone with that instead of Cody losing.

There's a report now from Meltzer who says part of the Rock's deal when he joined the board was to main event Mania. It's been set in stone since Jan 3rd, but nobody other than high level TKO execs, Nick Khan and Rock knew about it. This blows my mind because, if so, why the fuck would you have Cody win the Rumble? Why would you keep him in the dark over the whole thing and make him look like an utter chode by pointing to Reigns after the Rumble only to be forced to give up his spot because of a deal that was made WEEKS before the Rumble? It's just total idiocy. They might as well have had Rock come out at Number 30 and win the Rumble in the last 3-4 minutes. It'd still be shit but it'd make more sense than what they're doing now.
Reports back in 2015 said The Rock was pissed when he got boo'd at the Royal Rumble. Supposedly the perception of him/his character is extremely important to him. Whether or not that's true... who knows? The way I see it is The Rock is going need to lean into the booing and turn heel or they're going to have to find a way to insert Cody back into the mix because I seriously doubt the live crowds are going to play ball as the situation stands currently. Obviously I could be wrong, but this isn't a r/squaredcircle problem. It’s everywhere. Now they’re saying it’s all a work and The Rock/TKO knew the reaction would be negative but they’re trying to manufacture a Daniel Bryan-esque movement for Cody. We don’t need to discuss how fucking stupid that is if true.

Cody winning last year would’ve solved all of the issues with this. It’s just more proof that last year was the time to do it. The new reports about them knowing since January 3rd make no sense to me. The same people reporting that have been reporting that Punk/Rollins was “set in stone” until Punk got injured. But they still had Cody win the Rumble. So if the plan as of a month before the Rumble even took place was Punk/Rollins and Roman/Rock, what the hell were they even going to do with Cody and again, WHY THE FUCK DID HE WIN THE RUMBLE?! They could’ve had Punk win or Rock show up at 30 and win. None of this makes any sense. People are trying to clear this up by reporting on it and it’s making the situation even more confusing. It’s not lining up. It’s starting to feel like a power struggle between The Rock, Nick Khan and TKO vs Triple H and the writing team. Are we actually supposed to believe that Triple H didn’t know what the plan was? Did he know and have Cody win and point at Roman to try and change the plan? Maybe some things will be made clear tonight on Raw. I read that the plan as of now for Thursday is that it is a press event open to the public and The Rock, Roman, Cody, Rollins and Triple H will all be there. Opening it up to the public sure seems like they know exactly what is going to happen there…

The stuff with Bret is funny at times. I saw an 8x10 that he actually signed “Fuck Bill Goldberg.” I’m sure he does lean into it but I also think he genuinely hates Goldberg and that he ended Bret’s career. He can just be pretty insufferable with some of the stuff he says. I mentioned the Broken Skull Sessions — he talks about how he’s sick of people saying that they’ve had all these classic matches in their careers, that they’re CLAIMING they’re classics but they aren’t. And then what does he do? He immediately starts talking about all the classics he’s had and claiming they’re the best matches ever. And he doesn’t see why exactly that comes off as stupid. Steve Austin asks him if he let himself get “worked into a shoot” over Montreal and Bret says “no, it was an honor thing. Shawn didn’t want to honor me, so I wasn’t going to honor him.” Then yes Bret, the answer is yes you got worked into a shoot because you’re saying that Montreal essentially happened because you didn’t like the pre-determined finish of a fake wrestling match, wouldn’t do business and they had to “screw you” to get the title off you. It’s shit like that, that bothers me about Bret Hart. He doesn’t see how ridiculous he is.
After reading about Raw, it's really hard to say what exactly this company is doing. There were audible 'Rocky sucks' chants, lots of 'we want Cody' chants. The live crowd again boo'd the video of The Rock on Smackdown during commercial break. But at the same time, WWE was handing out We Want Cody signs to the crowd. They very heavily teased either Cody vs. Drew vs. Rollins at Mania or Cody vs. Drew at Elimination Chamber. The triple threat at Mania would be a way for Cody to walk out not WHC, but also taking a pin, which would set him up for Roman at Summerslam. Live crowd in St. Louis claims WWE was muting the chants because it was getting disruptive.

So, still more questions than answers it seems. The press event will more than likely make one or two things a bit more clear.
I'm not sure about how Summerslam would work out. Cornette said (this was before the last Smackdown, so they were just spitballing) that in Rock vs. Roman Rock has to win, otherwise one may ask "if not even The Rock van beat this guy, then who can?!" Then making Cody go over at Summerslam would look really silly, even if we take away Dwayne's ego. That's some WCW booking and I can hear at the back of my head Kevin Nash explaining why it was actually a great idea, and people just didn't get it.

However, Cody beating Roman at the next SS would only make sense if he was going to beat TR eventually. If finishing the story was an allegory to winning a woman's heart, than it is much less impactful when you only get to have sex with her after this mountain of a man fucked her brains out a few months earlier.

I'm really waiting for Cornette's (especially Brian's - he saw TR for what he was from the start) take on the post-Smackdown situation, because it is a long-term booking nightmare.
I feel like the pivot may be on. There was a post-show segment with Zayn showing support for Cody, and WWE tweeting this:

Also Triple H tweeting this:

I don't know, it just feels like they're leaning too much into this. It's either an outright rebellion from non-TKO/Rock employees, which seems unlikely, or plans are going to change. If they do then the suggestion will be that it was a work all along, but I don't buy that. This would be a really strange way to do it. Cody was already super over as a babyface, there was no need to do this stuff with The Rock to increase the support. It hasn't made the company look good - even if they do switch back to Cody/Reigns with Rock as special ref or something, the optics are still that WWE massively misread the audience and had to backtrack extremely quickly in the face of growing criticism.

If they plough ahead with Rock/Roman now it will truly be bizarre. The amount of official acknowledgement of the #wewantcody stuff makes me think they've changed their stance. I guess we'll see on Thursday.
There's definitely some fuckery going on. From the outside, it almost looks like The Rock and TKO are wanting one thing and Triple H and the writing team want something else. I don't know that that is what's happening, but at times over the last few days, that's what it looks like. I'm sure things will become more clear after Thursday. There's also just a lot of weird reporting going on. Meltzer claims it "doesn't matter to The Rock if he gets boo'd or not" which doesn't track because I think it was him a decade ago who claimed that the Rock was FURIOUS when he got boo'd at the Royal Rumble. It's getting harder to sift through the news and make sense of it at this point, which is probably what WWE wants anyway.

Some other dirt sheet writer claims that there is a lot of friction between The Rock and Triple H and there is a general feeling that The Rock is going to try and push Triple H out and replace him with Brian Gewirtz and other writers that he approves of. That's a bit of a leap I think, but it does beg the question, just how much power does Dwayne Johnson have as of now within TKO? Most people assumed this was just fancy title and he was using this as a way to merge his football brand in with WWE and UFC. Is there a power play going on here?

They're playing with us, I think we can all agree on that at least. They could've easily confirmed Rollins vs. Cody on Monday, but instead they added Drew into the mix and confirmed nothing. I would assume we're getting Cody vs. Drew at Elimination Chamber. But realistically, who the fuck knows what is going on at this point?

If they move ahead with just Rock/Roman, they better expect their main event at WrestleMania to get boo'd because this is only going to pick up steam from here.
I saw a post on SC where it noted one of the YT vids uploaded by USA with "Rocky Sucks" in the title was changed. So yeah, I don't buy that Rock is comfortable with being booed or seen as the bad guy in this situation. We aren't talking about people booing and being angry at Rock as a wrestling heel, we're talking about people being upset with Dwayne Johnson the person for coming in and taking a spot that doesn't belong to him. Very different optics and, for somebody as PR conscious as the Rock, not something he's going to want to stain his 'brand'.

Have to admit at this point though I am utterly confused by what WWE are doing. There's no point leaning into the #wewantcody stuff if the idea is to continue with Rock and Reigns at WM. It will only guarantee that the match will be shit on from start to finish. That much is obvious - so why would you purposefully sabotage your WM main event in that way? What would you really gain out of it? They can mute or change the audio afterwards, but it won't hide the crowd not being into it if Philly does turn on the match. The only way leaning into this situation makes sense is if they are going to pretend it was all a work and they pivot back to the original Cody vs Roman idea. I guess we'll know for sure after tomorrow, as the press conference should make it clear. I don't see how you can have a press conference like that and still leave things up in the air. With WWE in such a weird state of mind at the moment as a company, though, I wouldn't put anything past them.

In terms of accusations of power plays and conflict between Hunter and Rock... I think it's too early to tell. Could be that everyone including Hunter knew about this, saw the negative reaction and are playing it as a work in the story of a 'power struggle' to make this plausible to the fans. With that said I can't imagine the Rock willingly casting himself as the villain in that scenario. This is a guy who made sure his movie contracts ensured he wouldn't lose any fights, after all. The speculation at the moment is just wild and it's one of the most chaotic builds to a Mania that there has ever been - coupled with the Vince stuff that isn't going away any time soon.
Yeah, putting that in his movie contracts is like the most 80’s pro wrestling, carny bullshit I’ve ever heard. “I can’t look weak, brother.” Some of these guys never got the memo that this shit isn't real. When people go see movies, they realize it’s fake. It’s entertainment. Back in the day, in the wrestling world, I guess I could understand. You had to protect your character so that you could get booked in different territories to make money. But now with contracts, it doesn’t matter anymore. You don’t get paid less because you lost a match. You don’t get paid less if your character loses a fight in a movie. It’s like… grow the fuck up.

Press conference is tomorrow, so we’ll see what happens. It’s in an arena filled with fans, so they must know what’s coming. It feels like they’re leaning into this now though. I’m expecting either a triple threat match or both Roman and Cody pulling double duty and working both nights. People keep saying “oh Roman won’t work back to back nights.” Why not? His match with the Rock is hardly going to be a match. I mean, it may not happen for other reasons but I don’t think it’s going to be because of the barn burner of a contest between those two. It’s going to be stare downs, shoves, ref bumps, posing… it’s going to be Rock/Hogan at WM18. Nothing fancy at all but at least if fans knew it was going to be Roman/Cody the next night, maybe they won’t boo the shit out of the match.
...which is exactly what happened.

I watched the press event and it sort of left more questions. It's official that Cody will challenge Roman at WM40, however, there's clearly more going on than that. Will be there be a tag match in Perth in a few weeks? Will there be a tag match on Night 1 and then Cody/Roman on Night 2? Obviously they had to switch things around based on the response to The Rock taking Cody's spot, but it seems The Rock is still scheduled to wrestle at WM in some capacity.

They're definitely leaning into the 'worked shoot' stuff too. The Rock, in the span of 20 minutes, became corporate heel Rock and I think that is going to go a lot better for everybody involved. Now the question here becomes does The Rock screw Cody at Mania, setting up for Cody/Rock? Does The Rock turn on Roman at Mania, causing Cody to win and then setting up for Rock/Roman? I can definitely see them doing the latter and revealing that it was all a setup by Cody and The Rock getting the better of Roman. But sadly, I can see Roman retaining again as well. We're two months out so there's plenty of time for build here. The Rock telling Hunter to "fix this shit" was interesting. In fact, they definitely let loose with the swearing at this event. Going for realism, which is fine.

Where does this leave Seth? I hope it's Seth vs. Drew at WM, but I can see the tag match happening as well. A tag match keeps Seth's knee a bit safer, but it also keeps the title on him. It looks like they're building towards Gunther vs. Jey, so I'm assuming Gunther won't be challenging Seth. It's going to be interesting to see where they go with all of this. At least it's gotten people talking and not knowing exactly what is going to happen. Meltzer seems pretty pissy about it all and it's definitely coming across that he's annoyed nobody leaked plans to him. He claimed the press event was right out of the "Death of WCW" and made some Vince Russo implications. Hottest era in WWE since the attitude era, business at an all-time high... yeah, good call Dave.

On an unrelated note, they've basically confirmed Mercedes Mone is headed to AEW and Okada may be as well. I would rather see Okada go to WWE to be honest. I think it's a more interesting route for him. I think Ospreay and Jay White chose the safe path with AEW and I hope Okada goes the other way. I would love to see Okada vs. AJ, Nakamura, Cody, Rollins. Some great potential match-ups there. Plus, supposedly it's his dream to wrestle at WrestleMania -- can't get that done in AEW.
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This is wrestling at its best and it's shaping up to be something awesome. Kudos to Rock for going along with it, even if ultimately it is what benefits him in both the short and the long run, so it's not like it's some sort of sacrifice. But still, even if he remained a face and beat Roman at WM he would've gotten away with it because the casual fans would've been on his side.
I'm definitely more invested right now than I have been in a while. It seems that The Rock is going to be sticking around for some time, either because him and Hollywood aren't getting along right now or just because this is what he feels like doing, who knows. I'm somewhat surprised he is leaning into a heel character right now. Maybe he feels like he doesn't have a choice. I can't remember the last time people boo'd The Rock when he wasn't a heel -- shit, it might've been in the 90s before he even became The Rock. I think it'll be short term though. By the time WM is done, I think Rock will be working a program with Roman. I imagine they won't be continuing this on Smackdown and we're going to have to wait until next week at the earliest.
I'm glad they stepped back from making a huge mistake and course corrected. Once they leaned so hard into the fan support for Cody it seemed obvious they would pivot, but with WWE you never know. The setup was unnecessarily convoluted and it was never really explained why Cody specifically said he wouldn't challenge Reigns at WM, then called it bullshit and backtracked. They can obviously come up with reasons why Cody changed his mind, but it's still made Cody look weak initially for announcing he was giving up his spot in the first place. It made no sense and there isn't much they can do to explain it other than to call it a momentary lapse of judgement or period of self-doubt in Cody's mind last week.

Rock turning heel is the obvious move. Now negative fan reaction can be spun into them being pissed off at The Rock rather than Dwayne Johnson. It's the sensible route and the only way to salvage the situation.

We still don't know exactly what they'll do, though - triple threat? Rock as special ref/enforcer? A tag match? Something else? It'll be interesting to see. They've gone about it in a very backwards way, but this definitely makes the build to WM more interesting. The reason I don't think it's a work is because, if it was, they surely would have had Rock come out on Smackdown and invoke his new powers to force Cody out of the main event. Having Cody voluntarily give it up doesn't make sense in the context of the story. I'm curious as to whether they'll try to explain it - I suppose Cody could accuse the Rock of threatening him somehow with his new powers - or whether they'll just pretend Smackdown didn't happen. Cody's comment to Rock that "we had a conversation" and pretending he didn't already say on Smackdown that he'd made his decision makes it seem like they'll ignore it. If we're being honest, Cody's promo at the press conference should have been his promo in Smackdown when Rock tried to strongarm his way into the picture.

Nonetheless, they got there in the end despite all of the nonsense. The WM buildup can now go in a much more positive and clear direction.

Also, CM Punk just constantly advocating punching people in the face and fighting, lmao.

As far as Seth is concerned, I have no idea where he fits into all of this. Roman has been putting him down for weeks now, and he was heavily involved in the press conference too, so it seems like he's going to be part of the buildup at the very least. I'd love to see Rock pivot and say he'll take on Seth at WM Night 1, and that if he wins he'll face the winner of Cody/Reigns at SummerSlam. Something like that. I don't think it'll happen but it'd be a way to keep Rock on the show, but out of the Cody/Reigns match. Only problem if how you book it - Rock would probably have to go over, and could he realistically work a decent match with Seth Rollins? Not sure about that. It also leaves the likes of Drew without much to do - unless he challenges Gunther or something like that, but considering Drew has been inserting himself into the Rollins/Cody stuff that would be a bit of a step down from being interested in the world title.
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I could see The Rock being special enforcer and then going the Mike Tyson path and turning on Roman at the end of the match. I could also see him wrestling Seth night 1 because that type of match protects Seth and his knee. Only problem there is I don’t see The Rock jobbing out to Seth Rollins which puts the WHC on The Rock which doesn’t really work now that they’ve established it as the “work horse title.”

I feel like they’re going to explain the Cody/Rock situation as Cody gave the opportunity to him because he thought he was going to destroy Roman and then The Rock went out at the press event and made it seem like a friendly exhibition, shaking Roman’s hand, etc. Cody sees it as bullshit and changes his mind. I don’t really know how else they can spin it without flat out saying their original booking idea sucked.

I found Punk’s comments to be humorous. Ace Steel was on a podcast recently and said that WWE wants Punk to do commentary while he’s injured. I’m into it. I like him on commentary. It reminds me of the mid-90’s when Shawn Michaels was calling Raw with Vince.

If I had to pick the card as of now, I’m going with…

Cody vs Roman vs The Rock
Seth Rollins vs Drew McIntyre
Gunther vs Jey Uso
Bayley vs Iyo
Rhea Ripley vs Becky Lynch
Logan Paul vs John Cena
LA Knight vs AJ Styles
Men’s team titles fatal four way — I really wish they would split up those belts
Women’s tag titles fatal four way
Santos Escobar vs Rey Mysterio or Andrade
Dominik vs The Miz
Bianca Belair vs Jade Cargill

I can’t find spots for Sami, Kevin Owens and Randy Orton currently. I suppose Cena is a stretch and we could see Logan Paul defend against one of them.
From a storyline perspective I suppose you could frame Rock winning the workhorse title as being especially demeaning, especially if he wins it as a result of outside interference or foul play. Rock could ham it up every week by doing promos from locations away from the show, mocking Seth. If Cody wins the WWE title then you'd essentially see a reversal of the situation, with the goal being to have both titles brought back to true workhorses and not part-timers. Rock would obviously have to be around occasionally and I wouldn't want the angle lasting for more than a couple of months, but Seth eventually winning the strap back from Rock when back to full health - assuming he is the one to take it back - would be a cool moment if they did the story right. We know Rock can cut heel promos with the best of them and could really make the fans desperate to see Seth take the title back off him.

Obviously that all assumes that Rock stays heel, which I think would be fine as well. You could even add Rock making demeaning comments to Roman in regards to the fact Roman lost his belt, leading to resentment from Roman which helps build to an actual match between the two.

I don't know man, I'm just spitballing, but I can see paths forward if they choose to go the route of Seth Vs Rock, and Rock winning. I just don't know where it leaves guys like Drew, Sami, Owens, Orton, etc. They'd need to build some strong midcard feuds in the meantime to carry the load if Rock was swanning around with the title elsewhere, so it'd be a good chance to give the IC title some major spotlight and develop some strong challengers for when Seth did eventually get the belt back.
For sure, I see a lot of paths forward which is part of why this is a fun time for WWE imo. One of my out-there, off-the-wall angle ideas is that we will see Roman/Rock, but the roles will be reversed from what everyone thinks will happen. Rock will stay heel (potentially costing Roman the title at Mania) while Roman will flip. We get corporate, power obsessed Rocky potentially managed by Paul Heyman.

I'm not opposed to Seth/Rock either though. They announced on Smackdown tonight that there will be an elimination chamber match in Perth to determine who faces Seth at Mania, but they could easily swerve that. Rock could show up in Perth, attack one of the participants and take their place. In fact I can easily see an angle where somebody is shown in the back laid out and the match starts with only 5 people and then right at the end of the match, The Rock comes out, takes the spot and wins in 30 seconds. I must say I find it funny that they're rolling everything back to exactly what people originally thought was going to happen; Cody now facing Roman and an EC match to determine who faces Seth lol.

Drew and Randy Orton qualified tonight, knocking Sami and AJ Styles out of the running. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing Drew finally get his moment in front of fans. It's also interesting that he's now a heel again and the crowd is behind him more than they have been since 2020. He's kind of got that Stone Cold 'tweener' thing going.
I think it's interesting that they're building a Triple H/Rock authority feud - it's not something I anticipated but it's clearly what they are leaning into. If Triple H was healthy it could easily have led to another match between them at some point, but obviously that won't happen now. Nonetheless a power struggle between the two - with Rock representing the Bloodline 'royal family'/TKO Corporate and Triple H representing the more traditional WWE interests is a curious dynamic that could lead to some cool moments.

I guess we'll see next week when Roman/Rock appear on Smackdown what direction they're heading to in terms of the Rock's WM involvement. You have to think Seth is going to continue to be involved in this storyline - it's possible that the winner of the Chamber still gets their shot at the title, but Rock inserts himself to make that match a triple threat. Assuming the announced partipants in the Chamber are the potential choices for Seth's challenger at WM, Drew is the obvious choice considering what's been happening on Raw. Also factoring in his continual shots at CM Punk, you could see Punk interfering at Mania to cost Drew the match. With that said, I believe his contract is expiring fairly soon so they may opt to go a different way. Perhaps have Punk cost Drew his shot at Elimination Chamber instead (although since Punk can't wrestle for a while, the payoff would be beyond WM which doesn't seem worth it).

We know from the qualifying matches this week that it won't be AJ Styles or Sami Zayn. It realistically isn't going to be Bronson Reed, The Miz, Lashley or Ivar. That leaves Orton, Drew, Owens, Logan Paul, Dirty Dom and LA Knight. Orton is a big name and can't be ruled out, but I don't think it'll be him. Owens and Seth have plenty of history but again, I don't think it'll be Owens. I don't think they will put Logal Paul in that spot at this point, nor do I think Dom could be in that spot as a credible challenger at this moment. LA Knight is a distinct possibility, due to how over he is, and he could certainly be inserted into the ongoing Bloodline storyline as there have been plenty of accusations of Knight ripping off the Rock's mannerisms - they could easily play into that, especially if it does end up as a triple threat with The Rock involved.

So yeah, based on current storylines you'd have to say Drew is the favourite, and I can only see LA Knight being the other choice. Orton would probably be third simply because of his reputation and status.
LA Knight seems to have cooled off from my perspective. I feel like he's kind of gotten lost in the shuffle the last few months and isn't as in the forefront as he was before. Clearly they're building the feud with him and AJ. I actually think AJ will cost Knight his spot in the EC the way Knight cost him his and then we'll see those two in a one-on-one in Perth or at WM. I think the rest of the qualifying matches are next week so we'll know who's in the EC soon.
Kind of a shame for Knight, much like Sami you feel like he'll never quite to get to the top because he isn't the corporate chosen one. Sami got some incredible moments via his involvement with the Bloodline, but since then has basically just been spinning his wheels.
I think they should probably turn Sami heel again. His conspiracy nut gimmick was gold and is really the reason why he started getting over in the first place. Then he joined the Bloodline and it took off. If they’re not going to turn him heel, they need to find something for him. I would’ve liked to see him in the EC match but knew it wasn’t happening when I saw they matched him up against Orton. I just don’t really know what they do with him now leading up to Mania, unless Drew isn’t going to challenge Seth — which, if Drew hasn’t re-signed with the company, may not happen anyway. I could totally see Sami vs Drew at Mania in that case. Then maybe they do Orton vs Seth, which I would be fine with as I think they have had some really good matches together. They could go with Logan Paul, but as you said, he really isn’t ready for that spot and if he goes into it as US champion, the finish is too predictable.

On the plus side, there really are a lot of ways this could go. It keeps it fresh and interesting. If it ends up being The Rock, I think that’s cool because Seth will finally get his Mania main event match. I think anyone else and they give the moment to Bayley, which is also well deserved and then the WHC match opens night 1.

I was really hoping they’d give DIY the spot against Judgment Day but it looks like they’re going with Bate/Dunne which is also fine as I like both of those dudes too. They really need new tag belts though. Judgment Day carrying around these blue and red strapped titles is ridiculous. I have no idea why those titles haven’t been unified and new belts introduced. It’s way overdue. I really like Gargano and Ciampa and I think it sucks they’re floundering on the main roster. They need a push if they’re going to survive it. Maybe they’ll get the shot at Mania?

Weird to me that they debuted Jade Cargill at the Rumble to a big pop and now they’re not doing anything with her. They’ve got such a loaded women’s roster at this point, they really need to not drop the ball. AEW looks to finally be doing something with their women’s division now too.