Letting your Compressor "GROOVE"..

Jan 22, 2006
hi guys!

i´ve read a lot about attack and release settings that let your compressor work with the tempo of the song. I´ve heard it´s really important to do it,but i didn´t get HOW you´ll find the right settings for the right tempo!
i appreciate any help :goggly:

I usually turn the threshold way down with a high ratio, so it is reducing like 15 or 20db. then i set my attack and release times. Then i get my threshold and ratio.
I usually turn the threshold way down with a high ratio, so it is reducing like 15 or 20db. then i set my attack and release times. Then i get my threshold and ratio.

but HOW do you set your attack and release. i mean when do you know,that it´s the right setting ?
There was actually a big thread (that I started ;)) a little while back where this was one of my questions, and what derfbonker meant is that you intentionally crank the fuck out of the ratio and lower the threshold ridiculously so you can really hear the compressor work, and then set the attack and especially release times so that they groove with the song (in tempo, in other words; whether you want it to be 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 etc. notes is a matter of preference for the song.
There was actually a big thread (that I started ;)) a little while back where this was one of my questions, and what derfbonker meant is that you intentionally crank the fuck out of the ratio and lower the threshold ridiculously so you can really hear the compressor work, and then set the attack and especially release times so that they groove with the song (in tempo, in other words; whether you want it to be 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 etc. notes is a matter of preference for the song.

okay,we´re on the way ;-)

what i´m wondering is:Do you really HEAR it grooving,or do you have to do that visual,like having an eye on the Parameters,which are moving in the tempo?

you want the transients to sound natural, while having a higher rms level. the sound of unnatural transients is described as "pumping", which means your release time needs to be evaluated, compressor does not release between transients