Leviathan - Massive Conspiracy Against All Life

I like the other album covers a bit more, especially The Blind Wound (LP version) and A Silhouette In Splinters. Wrest has painted a lot of the covers himself. Pretty badass. He works/worked in a tattoo parlor. You can find his tattoos by googling Jef Whitehead.

And Lurker of Chalice - Perverse Calculus is the same thing as this record. Wrest wanted to avoid releasing anything on Moribund Cult, so he tried to push this record as LoC. After some legal issues (which explains the long delay), Moribund basically has the rights to whatever Wrest does.
Seriously, if you don't know about a genre, a band or whose in a band you really should STFU...

So are you saying that if I were more familiar with this band, then I wouldn't find the album title ridiculous?

Well, at least I know to stay away from them now. Don't want to lose that many IQ points...

But seriously, who cares about album titles.

Yeah, I know. I was mainly calling out Unfaithfully for suggesting that I could not comment on the album title without being familiar with the band, or with black metal (which is retarded).
Bearing in mind that I like nothing that I have heard from this band (the Xasthur/Leviathan split, The Tenth Sub Level of Suicide and Verräter), is this album really worth picking up at all?

The similarities to DsO that have been mentioned in various places are really the only things that are causing me to even consider getting this.