Leviathan - Massive Conspiracy Against All Life

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
Who's heard it, and your thoughts? Personally, I like it, but then again you probably could call me a Wrest fanboy. Although I do think it's a bit of a step down from the masterpieces that were Tenth Sub-Level and Tentacles, that being said Wrest still knows how to craft a damn good black metal song.

Another thing, is it really the last thing Wrest does under the Leviathan name? I heard he was having some label troubles as of late.
Leviathan is really varied enough that everyone should find something to like in his discography. And that's without even mentioning Lurker of Chalice.

Haven't heard this yet. Might wait for the vinyl to come out.
Wow... those guys obviously are children. But anyways... the new Leviathan album was amazing. Didn't quite compare to Tenth Sub Level, but completly leveled Tentacles (I never particularly liked that album that much however). I did see the comparison to DsO, but really, it's still Wrest, and he's still playing VERY Leviathan music, so it's all good.
no wai

Actually, I think most people who dislike the band really haven't looked beyond the two full-lengths to this point.

And I'm not sure where Solipsist got those song titles from (the ones people were making fun of). Metal Archives has different ones. If you were going to make fun of any album title, this is probably the least stupid of the three.