LFDGD Song Survivor round 10

Which song shall be the last to leave?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
"Tonight´s music". No special reason. Both are 11/10 but due to "The future of speech" wasn´t single (like "tonight´s music") and it deserved it. Silly reason I guess but...
Tonight's Music. Theyre both really good but i prefer Future Of Speech just for the last 'it cant get worse' lol.
It's understood that they're both excellent songs. However, the first time I heard Tonight's Music I was floored. Sorry FOS, you get my vote.

And where in the hell are the rest of you TM supporters!?
Ok, I didn't pay close enough attention to the poll question. So if I am voting on which song would be the LAST to leave, I vote for Tonight's Music.

..whew..I feel better now.
WOW, I expected this to be between TEARGAS & TONIGHT'S MUSIC. Well, btw these two I choose Tonight's Music

I was on some katatonia fanpage once before - this was before TGCD (not sure if this site exists anymore) but there were like HUNDREDS of participants in the poll and Teargas won it for LFDGD (while TM was close second). So, this is weird to me.

For me, it's like;

1. Teargas
2. Dispossession
3. Sweet Nurse
4. The Future of Speech
5. Tonight's Music