LICH KING - is this for real?

the band doesn't like Dark Angel, they don't understand why Darkness Descends gets any hype. I was bored after this thread surfaced and read their forum, he's really just an ignorant troll tbh =/
Concerns, questions?

Regarding BLACK METAL SUCKS, take it easy all you sensitive sallies in the BM community. Sure, the opinions stated therein are real, but it's a fucking joke song. The real tragedy is that it's filler. If I'd known it was going to be this big a hit, I'd have put more than one nights' writing into it.

Regarding the thrash resurgence trend thing, it may be a fashionable trend for some but for me it's just my music, I'd have made this anytime but 2005 was just when I managed to get the band together. Yes, I'm riffing like it's 1986, no, I don't give a shit if you disapprove.

Regarding the Warcraft thing- I thought the name up in around 2003, wayyy before I ever heard of the Warcraft guy. I'm not changing the name. Stupid Warcraft. No, "Lich King" is more of a D&D reference. Go ahead and pounce on me for that.
Somehow, I think those lyrics (both songs) are hilarious.

I don't believe I'm drunk, but I wouldn't rule out the possibility that I'm stupid.

Heck, if you're gonna play thrash metal (music's nadir, in ANY decade!) you might as well have some laughs while you're at it.

I've always been curious; Why do band members, such as yourself, constantly seek out threads about your band? A bit self-conscious? Looking for an ego boost from a new adoring fan-base? Nothing better to do?

It happens ever so often and on pretty much every forum I frequent.
A bit self-conscious? Looking for an ego boost from a new adoring fan-base? Nothing better to do?

Yes, yes and yes. Think about it. Anyone- politicians, bands, athletes, scientists, ANYONE that does something that people talk about... googles him / herself. Regularly.

Me, I like to come out where we're being trashed and jump in the fray. It's a good time.