LICH KING - is this for real?

Ooh, someone finally wants to talk music instead of just playing grabass and avoiding actual conversation? Nice.

I guess it's easy to dismiss the album for toxic-pizza-party-shark-zombie-beer thrash based on the name that combines two of those standards. That's all you'll see of that throughout the album.

And whatever your response, let's not pretend that there's lots of fresh, fertile new ground left to be explored in metal themes and topics.
well as long as we're clear on this matter

βρεκεκεκὲξ κοὰξ κοάξ
at least you're not a member of Agalloch

<<< gives Haughm 24 hours to find this thread
Everyone loves googling, it seems.

And the thread's purpose? Yeah, pretty much. Look, some messageboard is bitching about the song! Fun to be had reading grousey comments about the new wave of thrash! Come one, come all.
get the playstation 3 ... seems that its the best player ... + you will have another money pit to throw money into.

if not ... the Panny 35 seems to be a good one.
now you're going to blow a fuckload of money on stuff to play/watch

need a listening chair

that's the problem with this kind of stuff, it requires a "head in a vice grip" seating position for best sound.

The listening chair I want costs far more than the entire listening system that I want :lol: