Life After Emperor


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Hey does anyone have any thoughts on:

- Zyklon
- Peccatum
- Mortiis

In light of the new Zyklon coming out soon, I was just wondering what people thought of their current release, World ov Worms? It's in my shopping cart at The End, but I'm unsure whether to order it based on mixed reviews.

I've not found anything positive said on Peccatum ever....but I wouldn't trust a lot of the things that was mentioned on those 'zines.

I did also read Dreamlord's review of the last Mortiis, heh. Cool review. I wonder how many hours of makeup this guy sits through? Looks like an orc from LotR.
I really like the first four Mortiis albums, minimalistic keyboard music with a sad feeling.

Zyklon on the other hand kinda sucks, boring technical extreme metal. But if you liked Prometheus, I guess you'd like it.
I've never heard Peccatum.

I enjoy Zyklon's debut when I play it, but that is rare. I'll end up getting the new one, but I'm in no rush because I have a feeling it might be another in a long list of disappointing albums of 2003.

Mortiis' 'Smell of Rain' is actually hilarious because it's so bad. A troll crawling through the desert on the cover, and sub goth industrial for the music with pitiful vocals. THe kind of stuff played in wannabe goth clubs.

I have heard early Mortiis is fairly good though.
I loved Zyklon, they were killer live. And on World Ov Worms, the last track features a really good performance from Garm of Arcturus/Ulver/Borknagar.

Peccatum was ok, Ihsahn's wife's vocals got on my nerves though. I have all three releases. Their cover/remake of Judas Priest's "Blood Red Skies" is interesting to say the least.

My two favorite Mortiis releases would be Fodt til a Herske & The Stargate.

I couldn't take his latest too seriously.
Well, I'm kind of late for this thread, but here goes:

I rather enjoyed Zyklon - Aeon quite a bit, good deathmetal. However I haven't heard World ov Worms yet.

I also enjoy Peccatum and I think their newest outing is by far their best. I also liked Amor Forti, but I haven't heard the first 2 releases yet.

Mortiis - Well, I haven't heard any of his earlier stuff yet, but I liked The Smell of Rain, even if it was corny beyond belief.
New thoughts:

I have now heard Mortiis' The Stargate and it's pretty good, though nothing I'd play often.

Still haven't heard Peccatum.

I was disappointed with Aeon, but I like World Ov Worms.
I've always been curious about Mortiis and Zyklon, but since they are Emperor-related I know not to bother. Thanks!
What's so bad about being Emperor related? Better than BSB related.

I need to check out Zyklon.
You dislike Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk, yet like "oh-I'm-so-different" dross like Butt Ass Bored???
