Life Experience (rant warning)


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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Some of this stuff has been weighing on my mind ever since last week's rather animated discussion about it. Maybe I just got up on the wrong side of the planet this morning, but I'd like to talk again about a few things that really struck a chord.

I said in reply to one of Todd's earlier posts that "it's never long before the lifestyle you're stuck with becomes the one you choose because anything else seems like too much trouble". I was kidding at the time, but there's many a true word spoken in jest. The life I lead is in some ways a product of my own laziness and that's okay by me.

I'd now like to raise some of the points that Trent and Koich brought up.


There seems to be an unspoken idea that living with your parents past the age of twenty is the vilest sin imaginable. Look no further than Seinfeld or Everybody Loves Raymond to see how deeply this concept is entrenched in Western popular culture. George and Robert were often portrayed as losers who couldn't cope with the big bad world just because of where and with whom they lived. So what? They had free room and board with none of the hassles of rent or a mortgage. As do I, for a whole host of very good reasons. There are a lot of things I can't do for myself because of poor co-ordination and mobility, which my mother has to help me out with. She's done a damn fine job with all that for nigh on three decades and I'd rather she did it than some brainless, inexperienced twit from a carer's agency. If things were different I'd like to live by myself (preferably somewhere in Canada or the UK), but what kind of a son would I be if I just took off and left her on her own after everything she's had to put up with?


It takes a lot of planning and organisation to get me out of the house, which is why I prefer to stay there most of the time- concerts notwithstanding. I know where everything is and I'm in complete control. Once I step outside the safe haven (or "comfort zone" if you will) of my front door, I have to surrender that control and more often than not wind up with people I don't know or care about who don't interest me in the slightest. On the rare occasions I go to parties, I spend the entire time looking at my watch every two minutes, trying to melt into the wall, complaining about the choice of music or bitching about what I'm missing on TV. This is *not* because I'm nervous around people or social phobic. It's just because I'm bored out of my skull and would rather be somewhere else.


Just in case the above paragraph gives you the impression that I'm a total hermit, that's not the case. I have a solid network of friends who I trust, know well and catch up with whenever possible. The rest of the world I prefer to keep at arm's length because the more people and situations I get mixed up with, the less time I have for myself and the things I most like to do. Expanding your social circle is all well and good, but not if it comes at a price.


A lot of folk have told me over the years that I might be able to loosen up and enjoy unfamiliar social situations a bit more if I had a drink. Well quite frankly- FUCK OFF! If I don't want to be there in the first place I'm not going to change my mind no matter how much booze gets poured down my throat. I've been called immature and unsophisticated because I've never tried the stuff but that's fine. It's a drug like any other, that (at least to me) smells disgusting and can be just as dangerous or destructive as heroin if misused.


Another unexplored horizon as far as I'm concerned. This isn't going to change in the forseeable future and that's okay with me. Even if I had the opportunity, I doubt I'd take it because in my eyes it's just not worth everything you have to compromise or give up altogether for the sake of a relationship. Even when things are going well, it still looks like damn hard work trying to keep it all together. Like I said before, I'm lazy. I simply don't *want* to work that hard. Even if I did, there's still a very good chance that any hypothetical partner of mine will decide to take off one day and leave me hanging. Not because she's a bad person, but just because she's human.

A lot of you will no doubt think I'm typing out of my arse after you've waded through all this. You might think I'm wrong and I'm not going to argue with you. I just thought I'd share what some of my experience has taught me, and maybe point out that someone else's idea of "life experience" is not all it's cracked up to be.

Okay. Spleen vented :D. Move along...

Wow... :erk:

Um, dunno what to say! Well firstly I understand all that, and the stuff I was talkin' about was mainly directed at Spawn. Everybody is different and has a different situation and the same things don't apply for everybody. Obviously that lifestyle suits you best and that's cool, I wasn't actually ever having a shot at your lifestyle coz I pretty much understood that that's the lifestyle you enjoy right from the start. Also, total respect that you're not afraid to admit never drinking and things like that and standing up for what you believe in dude :)

About the real friends thing too, I never mentioned anything about anybody having friends or anything anyway. And real trustworthy friends are all you need anyway, people who pretend that they're your friend are just a waste of time & pain in the ass and if I know that somebody doesn't actually like me, I'd prefer if they didn't pretend they did and that they just told me that and left me the fuck alone!

Most of what I was saying in my little rants to Spawn mostly related to the fact that, and I know I can't speak for him but what I'm saying here is based on the impression he puts across on here, which is that he does wish he had more courage to approach girls (like the bus lady for example) and that he does want some female company, but is just too scared to go for it. Obviously you and Spawny's situations are very different, so anything I was saying to him wasn't directed in any way at you.

And my main point was just relating to Spawny putting other people down for things when he doesn't really have the courage to do anything for himself. But I don't wanna get into that argument again so lets leave that one alone hahaha that was long enough!

I feel really bad now that you took it to heart, because none of it was directed at you in any way. Obviously on the surface there may be similarities between you & Spawny's situations but they are obviously very different and I knew that from the start, and nothing I said was meant to have any relation to you. Sorry if it came across that way... I honestly didn't mean it to and you didn't even cross my mind as I was writing it!

Once again, sorry... :cry: :erk:
There is a difference between yourself and many others who choose the same things as yourself.
You don't get on your high horse and believe no one else is right in any way.
You need to be in the environment your in through circumstances that are out of your control.
You do have friends that are around you a lot physically as aposed to cyber friends.
Alcohol is a choice that is freely yours.At least you don't condem those who choose to drink,at no matter what level they do.
Your choice not to go out is due to the sheer logistics it takes for you to do so, not because you just can't be bothered or don't like traveling on public transport.
You don't judge something out of sheer hatred or ignorance which makes you a hell of a better person than many others here!
You shouldn't worry about these above subjects you have posted as your the better person.
Those who have been judged on these subjects have been because they show ignorance,narrow mindness,and disgust of anyone is not themselves.
No offence taken Trent, and certainly no need for you to feel bad as a result of anything I said. I was just venting at the world in general and using some of what was said last week as a catalyst. No personal attacks on anyone intended or implied :). Thanks for reading and commenting though!

Excellent post Wrathy. Until recently I had no idea of your condition and I can't imagine or even begin to appreciate what it must be like for you. As to the points you've raised here, it's true that for some reason living with your parents is seen to be some kind of social disgrace, but it actually appears to be a growing trend now. I lived with my parents on and off until I was 28, and every week in the paper I see stories about twenty-somethings living with their parents while they save for homes of their own or other rather expensive goals. As to the whole subject of "life experience", yours is an understandably very different one to that which many of us take for granted. I think the problem that some of us here have with the concept is that there are some people on this board who seem to set themselves up as self-appointed experts on various subjects, offering advice or comments about different aspects of life that they don’t really know that much about. I for one have no problems with anyone choosing their living arrangements or whether or not they want to indulge in alcohol or any other vice they may or may not wish to take up. My problem (and probably that of some others here) is with people who get on their high horses and pontificate about subjects they barely understand, and then when they’re challenged about it carry on like they’re the be-all and end-all. I’m not suggesting by this that one shouldn’t necessarily have an opinion about anything, but don’t pretend you’re some kind of expert. There’s been some incredibly misinformed and ignorant comments made about things around here lately, and one of the biggest problems is that very few of us seem to be willing to apologise or admit that someone else may be right. Opinions are like arseholes. Everyone has one and they often stink. It doesn’t make one right or wrong. If you offer an opinion you need to accept that just because you have a view on something, it doesn’t make you an expert, and someone who does have more experience with something than you do may in fact know more about it, and perhaps that should be acknowledged from time to time.
Wrathchild said:

A lot of folk have told me over the years that I might be able to loosen up and enjoy unfamiliar social situations a bit more if I had a drink. Well quite frankly- FUCK OFF! If I don't want to be there in the first place I'm not going to change my mind no matter how much booze gets poured down my throat. I've been called immature and unsophisticated because I've never tried the stuff but that's fine. It's a drug like any other, that (at least to me) smells disgusting and can be just as dangerous or destructive as heroin if misused.
Couldn't have put it better myself. :) Although I have tried the liquor a few times - Bundy & Coke is my drink of choice, but I only have it once or twice a year.
I'm in total agreement about the alcohol part.... I can drink, quite heavily infact. I just choose not too. If that makes me a loser or socially inept, then so be it. I've seen too much fucked up shit happen or excused because of alcohol!
Oh, and re: the living with parents bit - I've lived with my mum my whole life, and I don't have a problem with it. And it's not like it's for free room and board - we split the bills 50/50 (well, sorta). Getting my own place is something which I just am not capable of doing at the moment, until my financial situation is in order, and until then I'm happy to be sneered at by society for being 27 and living with mummy.
I haven't been here for a few days, and it looks like I've missed an argument or two!

Nothing wrong with living at home. Given how expensive it is to buy even a shitty place these days, who can blame people in their twenties for not moving out for a while?

I've often wondered in the past what my specialist topic would be if I had to go on Mastermind (has that ever been on here, or just in the UK?). People go on that and know shitloads about more than one thing. I came to the conclusion that I'm an expert on absolutely fuck all. :)
I am expert on mixing expensive chemicals to clean the floor at work, tonight i made a batch that started bubbling and making fumes. It rocked, i got a headspin and had to go outside.
Guys, once again, I understand that nothing you said was aimed at me. As I read through it all though, it reminded me of some stuff I've heard over the years from people who know or understand nothing about my life (a list which sadly includes my own father). I thought I'd make the comparison just because it was on my mind. I wasn't having a go at anyone here, so apologies if it came across that way :).

That's cool :) I didn't think you having a go anyway, just felt bad that my post reminded you of all that and you took some of it to heart...
Koich said:
I am expert on mixing expensive chemicals to clean the floor at work, tonight i made a batch that started bubbling and making fumes. It rocked, i got a headspin and had to go outside.
I have doen that before.
Once I mixed a load of amonia,bleach and spray and wipe all with boiling hot water.It burnt the hairs up my nose,stung my eyes and burnt my throat.I had to pour it down the sink and get outta there fast.The smell still lingered the next day.