A rant about modern day lyrics

Koichi said:
Is that amy, or the equally annoying mole from killing heidi??
Amy apparently.
By the way, nice arm things, if your arms are cold, wear a fucking a jumper.

hmmm but the standard heavy metal attire is much more cool and sensible, right? Corpse paint, armour, nails through studded wristbands.
spiky armbands and corpse paint have nothing to do with warmth. Now correct me if i'm wrong, but those are called "arm warmers" and they are to do about warmth, not image, so why not wear a jumper.
Apolyom-Todd said:
Standard heavy metal? Fuck man, I play barefoot in shorts and a loose t-shirt... most band I know do (by that I mean play in whatever's comfortable)

Don't say "standard" unless you can back it up.

Oh. Sorry. You're obviously more metal than me so I'll check with you before posting anything from now on. Wouldn't want to use a word slightly inaccurately or anything. I might look silly.

Koichi said:
spiky armbands and corpse paint have nothing to do with warmth. Now correct me if i'm wrong, but those are called "arm warmers" and they are to do about warmth, not image, so why not wear a jumper.

I don't give a shit what they're called. People wear them because they think they look cool, or they like them, or whatever. It's fashion or image or whatever... big deal. Does it change the quality of the music? No. If you liked a band that wore all that traditional (not standard, apparently) metal gear and people took the piss out of them based on what they wore, not based on the quality of music... you'd probably think they were being petty and ignorant.
I think they look stupid, and if you read earlier, i said i was partial to the odd eveneseneceve track.
Regardless what i think of her and shirtless sleeves.

i mean cmon, she's a dirty tramp.
Apolyom-Todd said:
Don't say "standard" unless you can back it up.

I think you are being incredibly pedantic there, you knew what he meant, and theres MANY more examples of metal bands dressing up in stuff on stage than there are ones who wear a tshirt etc.
TinMan666 said:
Oh. Sorry. You're obviously more metal than me so I'll check with you before posting anything from now on. Wouldn't want to use a word slightly inaccurately or anything. I might look silly.

No, attempting to flame someone for proving you wrong makes you look silly! :p :lol:
Apolyom-Todd said:
Many more does not equal "standard", that is implying to play metal you have to have all that crap.

Standard: Something, such as a practice or a product, that is widely recognized or employed.

You not knowing what standard means seems to be even sillier :)
I know perfectly well what standard means, but can you explain how corpse paint and spike armbands are standard?

Maybe in black metal, but definately not across the wide band of styles that metal encompasses.
Thrash bands all wore those spiky arm things as well. Corpse paint is standard in black metal. Long hair is standard in metal of any kind.

Image is in every genre, and there is a standard image that people use as a stereotype for each genre, and you dont get a stereotype without it having some truth to it :)
Old school thrash bands didn't wear the corpse paint and really long spikes and stuff, that's just modern death and black metal bands.

Standard (or, if you prefer, generic) metal wear seems to be leather (or spandex back in the old days) and long hair, with other accessories the artist may consider necessary. If I was in a metal band, though, I'd probably wear shorts and a t-shirt, maybe thongs and a pack of smokes up one sleeve. Oh, and one of those bucket hat things, or whatever they're called - you know, those stupid-looking ones.