Damn Women, or is damn me?


King Of Fools
Aug 4, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
[color=#AOEOOA]I hate these kinds of things but hey, i just want feedback.
Where to start.

There's a girl, about 6 weeks ago, and for awhile before that we were really good friends, but in my mind I felt it was more. So I declared my feelings towards her. She wasn't as open, and I'm fairly sure she's doesnt want to commit herself either way so she just said no. We continue to talk as we have for awhile, it's not like she just cut me off or anything, but I continue to keep trying to get this girl. Things are progressing (I think they are) however slowly.

And then as many of you know I moved. I no longer live with my parents but in a student residency near university, so I'm about 150km from home. The thing is there is after a week or so here, there's a girl here I'm also attracted to, I see her everyday, she's easy to talk to, she's nice and good looking in my books, and I don't particularly like the token female in the movies.

But I figure I can't make any kind of play for this 2nd girl until I'm exactly sure what this first girl thinks of me and whether anything will happen there.

Damn me and my emotions. fucking stupid little buggers.

Bah any advice would be nice.[/color]
Oh i musta read it wrong i thought i seen 150km written there...damn beer and that. The chances seem good though mate, why not just play the feild and see where ya chances lay bud
I say to take Rob's advice. Ask the first one again, and tell her you need to know now. If she still says no, then go for the 2nd one. :)

I can totally relate to that though dude. Especially the part about the first girl. I had the same thing goin' on with a chick for ages, that I was also good friends with. Except although I kept thinking it was progressing, it actually wasn't obviously. :(
Don't bother. In my (albeit limited) experience not one of them is worth the trouble and grief they cause.

They either ignore you straight out or see you only as "Mr Token Nice Friend Guy" who they can bitch to on the phone for hours about their current partners :mad:.

I've stopped pretending to care, which is why I don't get many phone calls these days...

[color=#AOEOOA]Thanx Guys.

I think I've decided to just remain good friends with #1, and if anything happens down the tracks thats fine, but friends is all it will be now.

And I'll start to move onto #2.

And Spawn strangly enough I did go buy some Judas Priest and Pegazus.[/color]
Hey it's the Naughties so do both man ! hehe...

Seriously, not to be repedatively or anything.. Go for the 2nd girl and keep the 1st as a backup...err friend.. Best of Both Worlds !

On a serious note, find out what the first one wants and respect her opinion / position, you might just score a life long friend.

good luck.