Life was created thanks to ANTHRAX!!!


New Metal Member
Dec 19, 2004
This is a true story; it begins in May of 1999.

I was browsing the old message board of our favorite band, when I decided to reply to a female user named “Izzy”. Old timers like Justin or Brent might remember us. My old user name was “Fred”. It turned out we had a lot in common, Anthrax being our favorite band a major part, and she lived not too far from me. After 500 emails and a couple of meetings, we finally let ourselves fall in love :loco:

Soon after, she moved closer to where I lived, and our love grew stronger. We bought a property and now share everything in life together. Early 2004, we started to try to have a baby, and two months later, we found out she was pregnant.

On January 7th, 2005, at 11:57 am, Félix Charron was born from our union. He's a beautiful little boy, with perfect health.

It's a long story short, but I wanted to share this with all Anthrax fans. Thanks to Anthrax and our passion for their music, all this was possible. Anthrax does not only create the best music out there, they can create life!

Fred, Isabelle and Félix, Anthrax fans for life!

Congratulations!! That is a great story!
I've made some really good friends through

Thanks for posting that, Fred!
dorotabb said:
Congratulations, and make next A_fan(s) , I have 2 too.

Robert (Czech rep.)
WOOOOOOOOWWWW is Czech community growing stronger in here?
Dorota B.B. kicked ass back in the day
see you

and congratulations to you Fred as well
I'd like to thank everyone for their reply to our story :Spin:

I remember back when I was a teenager, I dreamt of having a girlfriend that shared the same passion as me, the greatest band in the world, ANTHRAX!!! And now, the mother of my child actually is a big Anthrax fan :headbang:

Can't ask for anything more in life!

Rock on guys!