Life's little pleasures

Spending time with my nice - at least if she's in a good mood, but she is most of the time. It's fun when she sees a bird or cat or another animal, cause she gets so excited she almost shakes, pointing at the animal, laughing, bright as the sun! She' so energic! :) She's very cute! :) And she think it's funny to "make a face", trying to scare off anyone around her, showing how tall she is, and how strong she is.
I don't understand that about disliking or hating all humans..... Why not just kill everyone around you, then yourself and have it over with?!?! Instead of just complaining about it........

Umm..... That's wasn't meant for anyone in particular, I was just reminded........ Guess that is called a optimistic pessimist. Oki, so lot of things are just fucked up, but knowing that, why not just put an end to it all, and be over with it.....??

Like if humans are horrible because they make war.... Then war is smth positive, cause it kills lots of horrible humans.....

Whatever, I'm just a bit.... smth, I don't know what. I _can_ put an end to that as well, though...... (by sleepipng :p )

This didn't fit in in this thread, I know.

But I'm not saying sorry (cause I'm an optimistic pessimist)

I guess making other people happy gives me more than just a little pleasure but I will mention it anyway. Like so many other people I would also like to mention the sound of rain. I am at work now and I can see and hear the rain very well, since I am surrounded by windows. One of lifes other pleasures is when you really connect with music, when it makes you go places youve never been before. Sleeping as long as you want in the morning is also a little pleasure.
Hmm..let's see...

To take a walk in a forest at some clear and crisp autumn night, when full moon is shining on the sky, or yet better, same thing during a cold winter night..

Then another pleasure is to taste homemade Ale, and find out that it came in perfect..

I'll add more later :)
i once had a dream....

i was in myrtle beach, south carolina (where'd i'd visited several yers earlier), and i was several hundred feet out in the ocean, but the water only came to my knees. it was super cloudy out, but the 'ceiling' was high, and it was still fairly light, even though no sun penetrated. it wasn't raining, but it was going to, and the wind was whipping something fierce. and i stand there, and i see people on the beach, yelling for me, something about a hurricane, i think.

but all i do is lay down in the water and watch the clouds, and sink, i think.

i don't know why, but i woke up from that dream wanting nothing but to dream it again. so tranquil, it was amazing.