Lifetime Subscription offer... one more time!

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland

We've already sold a couple of these, but... well I'll go ahead and say it, the wife has filed for divorce and I'm out in the next week or two. Staying in Finland for the time being (moving into the school dorm... yay) but of course money is tight. New issue out in late November/early December regardless (and the issue after that will be determine what I end up doing in May when school is done). It feels like the nineties again, "publish or eat?" Well, I need to eat less and publish more, so...
Sorry to hear about your situation. I can't say I know what it feels like, but I hope things turn out well with you in your personal life.
About $150 or so at the current exchange rate I believe.

Paypal still had it at $1.40 per euro last night.

Which is ridiculous... I hate this exchange rate right now, because most of my readers are in the States, and when it comes time to renew normal subscriptions it's going to be a problem. But the next issue is going to cost me 2,80€ just for postage to mail out a copy to the States (or 1,40€ to Europe or 1€ to my two Finnish subscribers). Anyway, I'd love to be able to say "Just a couple bucks a copy!" but I have to be halfway responsible... I'm not so concerned about the lifetime subscription cost since that's more a luxury/kindness sort of thing anyway but the exchange rate really kills there.

Get this. If the weight of the new issue goes over 100 grams, that 2,80€ turns into 4,90€ which is what it would cost me to send both available Quintology issues for new subscribers after the new issue is out. But I'll just send them in separate envelopes. 50grams, The Shameless, costs 1,40€. 100 grams, which is what the double-sized The Nameless should come in under (watch the printer start using a heavier grade of paper) is 2,80€. 2,80€ plus 1,40€ = 4,20€, which is less than 4,90€. What a stupid, stupid setup. Bad post office! Bad!