Light of Day, Day of Darkness

Amazing album, amazing band. A Blessing In Disguise is excellent too. Oh, and about In The Woods, they are very obscure musically and therefore rather boring, while Green Carnation writes powerful, memorable music that will stick with you for the rest of your life.
ScottG said:
Amazing album, amazing band. A Blessing In Disguise is excellent too. Oh, and about In The Woods, they are very obscure musically and therefore rather boring, while Green Carnation writes powerful, memorable music that will stick with you for the rest of your life.
Exactly, couldn't have said it better than that
Wow, people liking Green Carnation (a watered-down version of In the Woods), more than the original, better band is amazing.

Sorry Scott, while I liked LODDOD it didn't stick with me even an hour after it ended.
Dreamlord said:
I wouldn't call it a masterpiece. In the Woods... wrote far better music in the vein of Green Carnation. GO listen to HEart of the Ages or Omnio, and LoDDoD will pale in comparison.

THat being said, I do like LoDDoD, and the middle section with the female singer doesn't bother me at all.
i don't know how am i supossed to find that music.
i bet its great
I don't think GC is a watered down version of ITW at all they soud so different. I have Heart of the Ages by ITW and I would say it is better then LODDOD but its all a matter of oppinion of course...

Anyways about the album. I think its real good, but far from great a 7.5 out of 10. I personaly like the female vocal part in the middle everyone loves to bash. And the extended solo is one of the highlights. I think its a well designed piece of music that flows well and is very complete feeling, it definatly doesn't feel like a bunch of random parts thrown together. My main complaints are the cheesy Opera vocals (and they are on some of the best riffs of the album too, damn!) which realy annoy me, and I find the 20-30 minute part to be a little dull. All in all its a very good album.