Like the speech much? (you know which one)

Well, Sevendust and Protest the Hero aren't, but everything else is just mainstream. Usually I defend the honor of mainstream metal, but I don't like you, so I'm going to use it against you.

The problem I have with your Obama statement is that you extracted one sentence from the entire speech to say that he was Bush, you were just looking for something criticize him for.

The thing is, I'm not even in full support of Obama, I didn't even vote because I wasn't sure if I wanted him or not (plus McCain would take Texas any ways.). But Jesus Christ just listening to all the retarded conservative view points the last couple of days makes me want to go get an Obama t-shirt and celebrate in the streets just because these people lost.

Protest the Hero, Death Angel and Evergrey aren't exactly mainstream. Sevendust may be alt-metal but it is still metal. You are also assuming I don't have anything else in my collection ( last 3 bands i listened too were Kalmah, Insomnium, and Carcass). This didn't even have anything to do with my statement anyway.

I pulled that out of the speech because it was blatent. Yes I am looking for things to criticize, didn't have to look very hard either. Don't paint me into the [conservative] corner either. I would have done the same with McCain.

Obama is more of the same, no matter how many times he says "Hope" and "Change". His speech didn't sound any different than any other presidential acceptance speech I've heard.

I would say Protest are metal & Evergrey are not mainstream, at least not in the US. He is trolling though.

The purpose of the thread was to critique the speech correct? How is giving my opinion on it trolling? Because I'm not drooling over it?

on another note McCain did a better speech, because Obama can my pals yap those lips all day but he ain't the next Theodore Roosevelt till he does something EPIC in his term.

I'm gonna miss the Mac, :(

fuck Palin though, not literally.
I heard it on the radio. Seems like the Hollywood/Hitleresque type of speaking in American politics that we snobs in Europe dislike so much is intact. "Never forget that we, the people of the free, after all, are...(whisper)Americans :worship:
Certainly, this is also largely true from the Canadian perspective. However it remains to be seen how much he actually thinks that way, and how much he just speaks that way in the sense of when in Rome..
I really don't like the world of politics, however...
Obama is extremely personal and delivers speeches with the best of them. I only hope he walks the walk and is sincere on his statements / promises. Not going out on a limb here...but he is either going to be the biggest fraud or possibly one of the best Presidents.

I also thought Mccains concession speech was equally as good if not better.
We know all these politicians can be slimebags at times and given how poorly he ran his campaign and how he looks like a failure to many...I don't think the people will know some of the amazing stories and just how great of an American and man Mccain really is.
McCain looked like he was struggling to hide his disgust for supporters.

Obama's speech was magnificent. I'm sure people will be quoting it and playing sound bites from it for years to come.
Obama's speech was magnificent. I'm sure people will be quoting it and playing sound bites from it for years to come.

Good call. You know it's going to be in about 5,000 rap songs. The day is soon coming when we will have all black nu-metal bands singing about Obama too.

Did anyone here ever see "Who's Nailin' Paylin?"?? I saw that Sarah Palin fucks Obama in that flick :kickass: