Liking Where this mix is Headed :)

Revalver MkII for guitars, Juicy77 for bass, Aaron Smith cymbal samples and some snare and kick samples I made. Cut a ton of bass out of the bass guitar so I could turn it up in the mix a little. HP on guitars at 100hz or something (can't remember exactly) and LP at 12khz on everything.
drums just really put me off sorry they still give that vibe of hey i'm samples i'm real fake, other than that the guitars sound good
Yeah dude, any ideas how to fix that? I like the kick to sound robotic, but I'd like to have a sort of "The Common Man's Collapse" sound where it's like you can tell it's programmed, but it's not over the top.
Well you'll be glad to know that I think it sounds a lot like Veil of Maya, in fact that's the comment I was going to make, but I didn't really mean it as a compliment. haha. Guitars sound a little undergained and boxy. Kick feels a little awkward to me too. Other than that pretty cool!
dude i really like that kick sound really has the veil of maya/ old born of osiris vibe

it was samples you made? any chance we could get those :)?

also maybe add a litte more high end to the guitars and it seems like the cymbals are straight up the middle? pan? stereo widener?

other than that it reminds me of Veil of maya :P and its sick
I was going to say it sounds a ton like the old BOO CD

guitars a bit boxy, and I would like to see the whole mix brightened up a bit
maybe not, Idk. lolol
Yeah thanks guys for all the help. I think the problem with the guitar sound may be my strings. They were getting sort of old when I recorded this so I'm going to retrack it right now with ones I put on last night.
dude i really like that kick sound really has the veil of maya/ old born of osiris vibe

it was samples you made? any chance we could get those :)?

also maybe add a litte more high end to the guitars and it seems like the cymbals are straight up the middle? pan? stereo widener?

other than that it reminds me of Veil of maya :P and its sick

Yeah the guitars did need more high end (so did the whole mix) and the kick is a sample I made blended with a little of the BoO kick from the new reign, I'll upload it for you in a few minutes. Finished tracking rhythms with the new strings yesterday so I need to adjust the mix a little.
if boo and vom ever banged... their spawn would sound like this.
the mix sounds pretty good on my end. maybe a little more panning in the drums. i think the opening guitar part could come up some, especially when the song jumps in... maybe some panning envelope left to right on it would be cool. nice work