limp bizkish rapcore, all is real.

Sounds great! The bass guitar sounds great, but I'd like to hear more definition on the higher spectrum. It gets completely lost when the distorted guitars come in, so maybe more volume on it and boot some higher frequencies. With this style of music, it's all about groove, and bass is suuuuper important to help bring out that sex :tickled:
I think the guitar tone is a bit too rough, and that the leads are a bit too 2k-ish and sound digital.

You need more low-mids in your mix and the vocals are a bit too bright. Apart from that it's pretty good.
Upload it to ... it's a maze to download that thing...and a lot of guys wont download it!
The main thing to work on would be the vocals and the rhythm guitars. The first don't sound natural (bad eq or bad recording with insufficient eq) and the latter are harsh in the upper mids / treble. Also work on the reverb/ambience, currently there's not much vibe in the mix.